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Gareth was quite engaging in delivering his lecture and very helpful in assignments

9 years ago


Overall a very enjoyable and mentally stimulating subject. Lecturer was clear, and mostly made the c...

9 years ago


Very poorly taught subject - if you haven't done accounting before it is not at all fun. Lecturers s...

9 years ago


Lecturer adds in a lot of useless information. Do the pre tutorial work and you'll do well in this s...

9 years ago


Engaging subject with good lecturers. Difficult if you haven't referenced before, but very helpful f...

9 years ago


Jon was a comprehensive lecturer who clearly knows his content well. Not a hard subject when coming...

9 years ago


this subject was ok

9 years ago


This subject is really interesting, the field trip is awesome ! and you'll have heaps of fun. The as...

9 years ago


Attendance at lectures is a must! Do the readings and computer tutorials, keep up with the study and...

9 years ago


I was a tutor at the University of Melbourne for this subject. This subjects introduces more finance...

9 years ago


I was a tutor at the University of Melbourne for this subject. I strongly believe this subject is us...

9 years ago


I really liked the lecturer, she definitely knew what she was talking about and it showed. This is a...

9 years ago


Lecturer talks like he's talking to himself. Does not seem to know what he's talking about at times....

9 years ago


Comprehensive, encouraged lateral thinking.

10 years ago


This subject offers a lot of interesting content and concepts from distribution channels to promotio...

10 years ago


The unit was sort of abstract, but when you think about it, it did make sense and useful

10 years ago


The lecturers were very knowledgeable and patient. They applied concepts into real life cases withou...

10 years ago


Easy subject and the way the lecturer explained is very clear snd understandable. doing review (high...

10 years ago


A great introduction to law! It was interesting and very understandable with both the textbook and l...

10 years ago


A very difficult subject not aided by the lecturer. Each one hour lecture had too many slides with t...

10 years ago


I was actually pretty scared going into this subject after hearing the nightmare stories of semester...

10 years ago


It was the basis of my entire marketing degree and it helped me a lot as it was a foundation for my...

10 years ago


It wasn't as good as Intro Micro and nothing about it was similar. It just seemed that the lecturer...

10 years ago


Really great subject. Interesting. I liked how the teacher focused on beyond the classroom applicati...

10 years ago

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