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If you're looking for an easy h1 subject, go for this. Quizzes are easy to score on (just read the l...

7 years ago


Easy subject if you have mathematics ideas

7 years ago


A very interesting subject and much helpful in research and financial modeling. One of the concepts...

7 years ago



7 years ago


I really enjoyed this subjected. The content is relatively simple and straight forward. Good if you...

7 years ago


Group project sucked and was actually quite difficult, even with good team mates. I think our tutor...

7 years ago


Decent subject. As someone with no experience in Econs, everything clicks in at around week 6 or 7....

7 years ago


Really enjoyable, The lecturer was decent (rambled a bit, but in an interesting way). There is actua...

7 years ago


My lecturer was really boring and didnt explain all the concepts properly. He kind of expected us to...

7 years ago


Hated QM. The lecturer (Jon) uses makes it way more complicated than it has to be and the exam is qu...

7 years ago


Interesting lecturer and was actually really fun and interesting. Wasn't too keen on my tutor, but s...

7 years ago


Is not difficult to understand the concept even if you're new to this subject. Work hard and H2 is d...

7 years ago


Subject is difficult but I enjoy Finance and will be majoring in it so found it interesting enough t...

7 years ago


Very easy exam got me an H1 in this subject. Tutorials were boring and I only attended 2 for the sem...

7 years ago


Subject is easy if you stay on top of the work load. I didn't and ended up with an H2B because i cra...

7 years ago


Didn't enjoy this subject. Heaps of content in the lectures and although the lecturer tried to make...

7 years ago


Pretty accelerated, wouldn't recommend if you are not good at math in high school. The knowledge is...

7 years ago


Much (much!) more difficult than French 4, and very intense if you only want French for travel/leisu...

7 years ago


Highly recommend. The lecturer is very humorous and knowledgeable as I learnt a lot from him.

7 years ago


The subject is interesting and full of useful knowledge. It is very practical as it explains the kno...

7 years ago


Definitely worth doing. The application to real life is obvious. It will change the way you see rand...

7 years ago


Fairly doable subject if you've done Vector Calculus and Accelerated Maths. Fairly difficult otherwi...

7 years ago


Norbury is a genius, but he works very fast. I was sitting in a group of commerce Chancellors and no...

7 years ago


Greg's lectures are honestly fun to attend. He's very experienced and approaches the subject at a mo...

7 years ago

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