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Lectures are structured well and Noel Boys keeps it interesting. Tutes are also structured and all c...

6 years ago


moves quite a bit faster than first year chinese

6 years ago


Interesting in general but concepts are broad. It requires a lot of thinking to read between the sli...

6 years ago


Extremely interesting subject but don’t underestimate it. Our exam was fairly easy and as a result t...

6 years ago


Any problems in the textbook or provided by the lecturer or the tutors that are not checked/marked c...

6 years ago


Loved this subject. The tutorial topics were very up-to-date and engaging and the major group assign...

6 years ago


Loved this subject. It was so engaging and the trade show was very interesting.

6 years ago


Easy peasy subject.

6 years ago


A really interesting subject and a great continuation to intro micro. Reshad was an awesome lecturer...

6 years ago


The subject is challenging as it requires application of theory to real-life cases. However, the tut...

6 years ago


A challenging subject but extremely beneficial for accounting students because it requires deep unde...

6 years ago


This subject is quite interesting but definitely not an easy H1.

6 years ago


Don't be fooled, this subject is very hard for those not gifted at maths.

6 years ago


I regretted for underestimating the time and effort I needed to put into this subject and ended up r...

6 years ago


This subject is a good continuation from ARA. As someone who hasn’t done any Accounting in high scho...

6 years ago


I found the subject to be quite intuitive and surprisingly not too dry. Sure, there are times when y...

6 years ago


Subject wasn’t too bad. Lecturer was engaging and interactive

6 years ago


Avoid doing this subject with Ali if possible. He's a terrible teacher and doesn't actually teach yo...

6 years ago


Why did the lecturer bother with all the theory when the exam is just maths? And not the normal math...

6 years ago


Subject material is a useful introduction. The lecturer was lovely and made learning the content sup...

6 years ago


A pretty interesting subject that continues on from ACTL10001 well. Actually not too difficult to sc...

6 years ago


Depends on the lecturer. Some lecture, it's easy to get high mark since they narrow down the lecture...

6 years ago


Easy H1 subject if you go to Tutorials and understand the topics. But the group assignment is very h...

6 years ago


You need a really good group mates. For exam, buy notes from Student VIP and you'll do great!

6 years ago

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