Cost Management
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Management and Cost Accounting with MyAccountingLab Access Card
Bhimani, Horngren, Datar, Rajan
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Management and Cost Accounting with MyAccountingLab Access Card
Bhimani, Horngren, Datar, Rajan
For sale by Lana for $40
management and cost accounting
Alnoor Bhimani, Charles T. Horn green Srikanth M. Dakar, Madhav V. Rajan
For sale by Dara for $40
View all ACCT20001 notesH1 (93) CM Complete Revision Notes
I scored 93 in Cost Management in Sem 1, 2018. Cost Management places a lot of focus on applying...
63 pages, 19480 words
ACCT20001 Notes (complete & concise) - w/ steps to approach exam questions
Up to date notes featuring topics which are recent additions to the subject, such as Time-driven ABC...
22 pages, 4797 words
53 pages, 13388 words
Ultimate notes for Cost Management
The latest notes and syllabus for Cost Management. Incorporates detailed explanations of each lectu...
36 pages, 10348 words
H1 Condensed Cost Management Notes (Colour-coded)
Colour Coded Condensed and summarised Lecture and Tutorials from week 1-12 summarised
21 pages, 6613 words
H1-85 Cost Management Lecture Summary
Topics are broken down into dot points and diagrams whether it can be more easily understood. Pe...
34 pages, 4895 words
Complete Cost Management Lecture Summary
This document is a complete cost management summary. We have done all the formatting for you! No...
23 pages, 5000 words
CM summary learning objectives
Useful for final exam and midsem. Very easy to read.
37 pages, 9800 words
cost management h1 notes (90/100)
The note includes all important points in the exam and can help students learn these points quickly,...
16 pages, 8000 words
Cost Management Final Note
-This note covering most likely examinable points of the course -It's easy to read and understand!...
12 pages, 2000 words
Become a tutor for ACCT20001Fiona
$25 per hour
Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...
Karan sanjeev
$65 per hour
I had pursued my Masters of management finance from the University of Melbourne. I have scored H1 in...
$100 per hour
Experienced Uni Lecturer & Financial Professional ( Qualified with Training and Assessment Certifica...
$50 per hour
we offer expert tutoring across a diverse range of subjects and fields. Our team of experienced tuto...
$80 per hour
Taking Bookings for 2023 (Face to Face and ONLINE Available) Academic Tutor with HD average - Ranke...
$180 per hour
- Current WAM 89.889 - Dean's Honors List 2019, awarded to top 3% of cohort - Francis J. Wright Ex...
$50 per hour
Dux and experienced tutor offering help to excel in your FINAL EXAMS. I offer packages to help you p...
Good subject pretty straightforward and logically to follow. The lecturer is really good and is interesting. Mid-semester can be a bit hard as it is all multiple choice. Didn't put in that much effort and got an H2A.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021
Sujay was really good and regretted missing out on the live sessions. Hard mid-sem and really good final that really tests understanding and application. Liked the Malaysian references in the exam questions too. Really useful subject and no bs imo
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Useful and interesting subject, really enjoyed it. Was also expecting a difficult final exam due to the online delivery but Sujay made it very reasonable.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Terrific and detailed lecture slides from Albie
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
relatively straight forward subject if you keep pretty much up to date, have good logical sense and arent terrible at maths you should be fine well structured, make sure you understand each week's topics before you move onto the next
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
The subject is a bit difficult for me, as it can be hard if you don't understand each concepts covered in lectures. Sujay is a fantastic lecturer !! He sets a hard midsem, however, a not-too-difficult exam to scale up marks.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Lots of real-life case study to gain more insights
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
The subject is challenging as it requires application of theory to real-life cases. However, the tutorial questions are structured so that we are fully equipped to do well in the exam. The cases are interesting but it is important to know how to apply the theory to analyse these cases.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
It used to be a good subject. However, the new coordinator is a disaster. Don't expect to learn a lot from the lectures. And Don't expect to receive the fair marks from the Final exam even though you thought you ought to.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
Loved this subject. Great lecturer - Sujay really covers everything in detail, you hardly need the textbook (except for tute work). Tutors are great and tutorials are crucial for understanding the subject so do your tute work!! No surprises in the exam, everything was already covered. Can be hard to understand so you need to put in your time and effort into it.