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Not very enjoyable, professor seemed wanting to down score students so everyone don't take it as an...

11 months ago


Very mixed feelings about this subject. The content in some weeks was fascinating, in other weeks wa...

11 months ago


Very interesting subject and no complaints from me.

11 months ago


This subject is called Cultural Policy now. The subject is really confusing but I was still able to...

11 months ago


It's an interesting subject. For some, it's a bit dry because they're expecting a lot of law but are...

11 months ago


Great subject and very interesting. And tutors gave very useful advice.

11 months ago


Interesting at times but overall could be taught better in my opinion.

1 year ago


The subject did not live up to its expectations, especially when it comes to interesting concepts I'...

1 year ago


Overall, a good subject if you are interested in developmental psychology concepts. Straight forward...

1 year ago


Great content!

1 year ago


Arts Discovery was absolutely the worst part of my first semester here at Unimelb. It's compulsory f...

1 year ago


Subject covers a different revolution or rebellion / rebel or revolutionary each week. Thus this sub...

1 year ago


Amazing subject. Laura is excellent and if you like analytic philosophy this is it for you. Marking...

1 year ago


Laura and Kai are excellent tutors who made the seminars more interesting and engaging. But yes, the...

1 year ago


Another big step up from French 4, but for some reason I have gotten better results in French 5 than...

1 year ago


A big step up from French 3, but Sandrine was great and always gave useful assistance and feedback w...

1 year ago


Got a good grade, but yeah, rather dry.

1 year ago


Quite enjoyable and the choice of books were pretty interesting.

1 year ago


Took this online during the Winter Term of 2021. Monique was great, but the online format just wasn'...

1 year ago


Dry and quite boring. Also, marking was strange.

1 year ago


Definitely agree with everything said by the other person who posted for Sem 1 2023 ('Fun subject......

1 year ago


This subject was so refreshing in the midst of theory heavy Criminology subjects. The two essays gav...

1 year ago


I enjoyed this subject! The lecturers, in general, were great — especially Brooker! She had such a n...

1 year ago


It's fun af and generally easy to score an H1 as long as you keep up with the key elements of each w...

1 year ago

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