2,750 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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76007 UTS

Roberto’s classes are informative but he is an incredibly harsh marker. I know several people who ha...

1 year ago


Excellent overview of Property Law principles in Australia.

1 year ago

70317 UTS

Possibly one of the most ridiculous subjects I have seen to date. The weekly 600 word essays branded...

1 year ago

MAST30031 Uni. of Melbourne

The conent is really interesting and was taught quite well. but assignment questions were not well w...

1 year ago

Law223 Charles Sturt Uni.

A fun and interesting subject that is light on content and has simple, relevant assessments.

1 year ago

LAWS5012 Macquarie

This is no longer a subject at Macquarie. LAWS5012 is now Banking and Finance Law.

1 year ago

SPED1020 Macquarie

This unit was alright. Not deserving of 5 stars, but it was fairly enjoyable. Very surface-level phi...

1 year ago

LAWS5007 Macquarie

This unit was fantastic. Craig is an excellent convenor and tutor and makes the lectures interesting...

1 year ago

LAWS2224 The Uni. of Western Australia

My favourite unit of my first year. In the first week I was bit worried because the lectures at firs...

1 year ago

MECM30002 Uni. of Melbourne

Easy, media coms subject. It basically repeated a lot of previous media coms subject material e.g. g...

1 year ago

MLL323 Deakin Uni.

Lectures provided great explanation for difficult topics. Definitely a tricky unit, but staying on t...

1 year ago


A lot of role-playing.

1 year ago


Great lecturer! Subject was taught really well. Topics presented in an organised manner, and the lec...

1 year ago

LAWS6827 Uni. of Sydney

A fantastic course.

1 year ago


Interesting content; but exam was too tough for me to succeed well in it.

1 year ago


Well convened.

1 year ago


Great subject and fascinating content given how relevant contractual relations are to the real world...

1 year ago

LAWS5023 Macquarie

I absolutely loved intellectual property law. It's a difficult subject to wrap your head around, but...

2 years ago

LAWS216 Macquarie

I absolutely loved property law. It's a difficult subject to wrap your head around, but the moment i...

2 years ago

LAWS5118 The Uni. of Western Australia

Very hands-off teaching by the unit coordinator/lecturer. Virtually no guidance given for how to ans...

2 years ago

ACCG2051/BUSL251 Macquarie

Honestly one of the worst units I've taken throughout uni. The lectures are packed with so much cont...

2 years ago

LAWS5118 The Uni. of Western Australia

Basically entirely self taught, lectures released were outdated and updates had lecture time stamps...

2 years ago

LAWS90243 Uni. of Melbourne

An excellent, practical course.

2 years ago


Did it in Spring Semester- Great Lecturer! Dense readings but very useful. Very challenging.

2 years ago

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