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Choice of Law Exercises Notes - First in Cohort

These provide a compendious summary of the relevant doctrines, law and concepts relevant to the choi...

11 pages, 2800 words

Comprehensive Conflict of Law Notes (2018 Updated)

These notes give a complete understanding of the LAWS557 - Conflict of Law course. They are not only...

133 pages, 62960 words


$40 per hour

I'm a final-year Commerce/Law student at Macquarie University with a strong academic record, includi...


Very practical subject. Highly relevant to litigation, specifically cross jurisdictional litigation. Nyghs is the best law textbook I have read. Easy to read but doesn't skimp out on depth. No BS - gets straight to the 'nuts and bolts' of the law. Interesting final assessment.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024

This subject is content heavy but incredibly interesting and very much practice minded. There is little repeating content from lectures in the tutorials. Instead you're putting into practice what you've learnt from the readings and lecture. No re-hashing here. The teaching style not like others that I have encountered. It is discussion oriented, and the cases that are followed are current and sometimes happening at the same time. Real life examples and it helps you if you're aiming to go into practice. The assessments are the same, putting in to practice what you've learnt all at once. And sometimes putting you into new situations. I have followed this convenor, Harry, from Media Law to Conflicts and I really enjoy his teaching style. It's conversational and you don't feel like you're in the spot-light. It's a style that I really liked and feel suited best. If you've done media law, then you know what I mean. The final assessment is a Viva Voce, and it's something I haven't seen in any other course and I feel that it's super helpful. While it might be scary because it's something you haven't done before, it'll be fine because it's still a learning experience and he's very nice. It helps you hone the skill of speaking on your points and expressing your ideas on Law. That skill is not limited to law, it can be used in any other part of life. I really loved it and I feel sad it's over.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023