2,750 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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SPED1020 Macquarie

assessments well spread out, interesting content, really makes you see the world with more clarity!

5 years ago

LAWS5060 Macquarie

Wonderful tutor with actual legal experience.

5 years ago


If you have a decent teacher (like I did) then this course, whilst pretty boring at first, can becom...

5 years ago


The content of this course can be incredibly hard and I'm not convinced it's taught that effectively...

5 years ago

Laws1061 UNSW

This course should really be called 'Negligence and related torts', because you spend about 9 weeks...

5 years ago

laws1022 UNSW

A fun criminal law course, with all the juicy and disturbing content you'd expect.

5 years ago


This course is not the best. A lot of the content on the history of the legal profession doesn't fee...

5 years ago


I actually enjoyed this course a lot more than I thought I would. Very intuitive, straight forward c...

5 years ago


The content of this course is generally fantastic, but can feel a little overwhelming at times - par...

5 years ago

LAW214 Macquarie

Jurisprudence requires students to consider 'the law' in a new way - to look beyond the ratios of ca...

5 years ago

LAW203 Macquarie

To do well in Torts required an appreciation for the themes of the course, more so than an ability t...

5 years ago

LAWS50030 Uni. of Melbourne

loved it

5 years ago

BLB1115 VU

Loved the unit and it's complexity with different concepts. I enjoyed how the tutor led us through i...

5 years ago


80% of this course is a waste of time , didnt sign up for 3 months of history , okay 1-2 weeks but l...

5 years ago


James Duffy was a wonderful unit coordinator - he really worked hard to make the content manageable...

5 years ago

70311 UTS

I was nervous to do this subject when I saw the exam weighing was 60%. It is a subject full of ext...

5 years ago


Easy to understand and well managed

5 years ago

LAW00054 Southern Cross Uni.

Geoff is an amazing lecturer, his tutorial questions are always relevant to the subject and humorous...

5 years ago

SPED1020 Macquarie

This unit is super interesting and applies to every day life! However, the weekly quizzes got a bit...

5 years ago

LAW1LIM La Trobe

This subject provides students with an introduction to the legal system in Australia and its core in...

5 years ago

LAW3BFL La Trobe

his subject provides an introduction to selected fundamental legal issues in relation to corporate b...

5 years ago

MLL319 Deakin Uni.

Theo is an awesome teacher- interesting, engaging, and fair. Really enjoyed the content of this unit...

5 years ago

MLL324 Deakin Uni.

Teacher explains things very well. It is quite a complex subject, but he does his best to explain in...

5 years ago

MLL217 Deakin Uni.

Excellent subject, closely linked to Contract and commercial

5 years ago

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