2,784 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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INTR1006 Flinders

This topic is great for all IR students or anyone who is interested and it provides all of the basic...

5 years ago

LAWS4103 The Uni. of Western Australia

I would say contract exam was just as hard as criminal or property, you could really stuff any of th...

5 years ago

LAWS4102 The Uni. of Western Australia

The exam is very difficult, you need to be able to write a lot in a short amount of time, the only w...

5 years ago

LAWS4104 The Uni. of Western Australia

Penny is a great teacher!! Do as she says, particularly go over past tute and exam questions and you...

5 years ago

Law391 UNE

Great subject

5 years ago

MLL319 Deakin Uni.

This unit was very enjoyable. The marking by Theo and his team was very reasonable and he was utterl...

5 years ago

LAWS5011 Macquarie

Great unit! Assessments were fair. Only issue was the lectures dragged over two hours.

5 years ago

LAWS1015 Uni. of Sydney

I have taught so many students in this subject and I think that is why it seems pretty simple to me

5 years ago

LAWS4001 The Uni. of Newcastle

This course, initially for 4th year students, is now compulsory in the 2nd year law program. No effo...

5 years ago

POLI1020 The Uni. of Newcastle

Pretty easy, but failed to really engage me despite the concepts themselves being quite interesting....

5 years ago

LAWS2011 Uni. of Sydney

If you're lucky enough to be taught by Prof Gerangelos, prepare yourself for one of the best units o...

5 years ago

SPED1020 Macquarie

very interesting unit

5 years ago

SPED1020 Macquarie

assessments well spread out, interesting content, really makes you see the world with more clarity!

5 years ago

LAWS5060 Macquarie

Wonderful tutor with actual legal experience.

5 years ago


If you have a decent teacher (like I did) then this course, whilst pretty boring at first, can becom...

5 years ago


The content of this course can be incredibly hard and I'm not convinced it's taught that effectively...

5 years ago

Laws1061 UNSW

This course should really be called 'Negligence and related torts', because you spend about 9 weeks...

5 years ago

laws1022 UNSW

A fun criminal law course, with all the juicy and disturbing content you'd expect.

5 years ago


This course is not the best. A lot of the content on the history of the legal profession doesn't fee...

5 years ago


I actually enjoyed this course a lot more than I thought I would. Very intuitive, straight forward c...

5 years ago


The content of this course is generally fantastic, but can feel a little overwhelming at times - par...

5 years ago

LAW214 Macquarie

Jurisprudence requires students to consider 'the law' in a new way - to look beyond the ratios of ca...

5 years ago

LAW203 Macquarie

To do well in Torts required an appreciation for the themes of the course, more so than an ability t...

5 years ago

LAWS50030 Uni. of Melbourne

loved it

5 years ago

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