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2,784 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:
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Interesting subject and gaining an in-sight in Japanese law systems and business systems. The multip...
5 years ago
As an international student, this subject is mandatory.
5 years ago
Brand new Law elective, super interesting!
5 years ago
The Uni. of Newcastle
This was an interesting course to undertake, however since it was designed for the 4th year level, r...
5 years ago
The Uni. of Newcastle
Very difficult subject to undertake as a 2nd year student since the course is designed for 4th years...
5 years ago
LAW 2502
Uni. of Adelaide
Course is interesting, but poorly taught and structured. Two lectures a week with 100 slides per pow...
5 years ago
Boring if you did Legal Studies in high school but nonetheless worthwhile for an introduction to law...
5 years ago
Incredibly well taught and Esme (the lecturer) is great, really pushes you to improve and do well.
5 years ago
This unit of study provides a foundation core for the study of law. The aim is to provide a practica...
5 years ago
This is a general introductory unit of study concerned with liability for civil wrongs, with particu...
5 years ago
This is a compulsory unit taught on a pass/fail basis. The aim of the unit is to introduce students...
5 years ago
This unit of study aims to introduce students to civil and criminal procedure. It is concerned with...
5 years ago
just simple and amazing
5 years ago
Contract law provides the legal background for transactions involving the supply of goods and servic...
5 years ago
Administrative law regulates the relationship between the state and its people, in other words, the...
5 years ago
Legal Ethics takes special responsibility for the study of professionalism, ethics and public servic...
5 years ago
A dense and highly complex area of law, but it is rewarding when it all comes together at the end of...
5 years ago
The content for this subject was very interesting; however, there were a lot of assignments that had...
5 years ago
I absolutely loved contracts! The lecturer/tutor was very engaging and explained everything in an ea...
5 years ago
Still terrible
5 years ago
This unit was brilliantly taught this semester. Id recommend you keep on top of your readings as the...
5 years ago
Marlene did a terrible job teaching this unit this semester. The first assignment was vague and many...
5 years ago
The Uni. of Newcastle
Course was really interesting and engaging, but very content heavy (and heavily history focused).
5 years ago
Uni. of Sydney
Loved this subject, the content was great but the exam was tough!
5 years ago
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