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ACCG2024 Macquarie

Contents are more challenging than first year accounting. Lecturer is not very hard in explaning top...

6 years ago


Difficult in terms of math. Need to know the theory and math to do well. However, if you spend a lot...

6 years ago


Very easy to pass. Free marks for doing a game on economics. Lecturer (Alberto) is a very funny guy...

6 years ago


The difficulty depends greatly on which semester you choose. If you have Carlos, the course is 10x t...

6 years ago


Much harder than accounting 1A mainly because of the qualitative components. If you like accounting,...

6 years ago


Heard it's most difficult first-year statistics course in Australia. The way contents are taught to...

6 years ago

econ1202 UNSW

Basic math. Do a lot of practice. The in-class quizzes are tricky. Final exam is ok but has some tri...

6 years ago


The difficulty depends on the semester you take. Do it in sem 1 (easier). Robert is a fantastic lect...

6 years ago

ACFI2005 The Uni. of Newcastle

Corporate finance part is ok. Has some math in it but not advanced algebra. However, derivatives can...

6 years ago

ECON1001 The Uni. of Newcastle

Easy to relate. Demand/Supply, market structure. All of these concepts are easy to understand. There...

6 years ago

ECON1002 The Uni. of Newcastle

Very interesting, practical because it's about the macroeconomy. However, the math and graphs are no...

6 years ago

200536 WSU

More difficult than introductory financial accounting. You will learn different topics. Spend a bit...

6 years ago

200111 WSU

Learn how to apply accounting standards. Having a good foundation in first-year financial accounting...

6 years ago

200109 WSU

You will learn about accounting standards and how to apply them. Don't be scared by the wordy accoun...

6 years ago

200488 WSU

A good introductory course to corporate finance. Capital budgeting is a bit tricky. Other topics are...

6 years ago

200101 WSU

Mix of financial and management accounting. A pretty easy course. Provide good knowledge to the acco...

6 years ago

200032 WSU

The difficult part is about concepts, not the numbers themselves. You need to know when to use which...

6 years ago

200525 WSU

A mix of micro and macroeconomics. The macro part is harder to understand. However, it's introductor...

6 years ago

25742 UTS

Pretty much corporate finance. Basic math is important. The course is a good intro to corp finance....

6 years ago

25556 UTS

You pretty much learn about how banks work. Different types of deposit. Calculation of interest rate...

6 years ago

22522 UTS

A pretty challenging course as you need to have strong background in financial accounting (accountin...

6 years ago

23115 UTS

Half Microeconomics, half macroeconomics. The macro part is harder to understand. Exam is ok, not a...

6 years ago

ACCT2012 Uni. of Sydney

The concepts are easy to understand but there are just a lot of assignments to do, meaning the cours...

6 years ago

ACCT5001 Uni. of Sydney

You will learn basic financial accounting concepts. After this course, you will know the basics of f...

6 years ago

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