- Wollongong
- Subjects
- Business
- 1,284 UOW Business textbooks
- 96 UOW Business tutors
- 426 UOW Business ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Business subjects at Wollongong...
Really interesting subject and case studies and super easy. Just make sure you do the tutorial readi...
6 years ago
I had high expectations from this subject based on feedback of others, but when i took it, they chan...
7 years ago
Not an easy subjects for business students
A lot of mathematics and calculations required
7 years ago
I receive HD, not doing much work. It is an easy subject with not so tricky exam. Just be used to th...
7 years ago
This is definitely not social media marketing so don't expect that, I found the subject alright it m...
7 years ago
Well structured subject and way easier to get higher marks if you go to PASS and do the Tutorial exe...
7 years ago
My lecturer is Sanja. She inspires me a lot about her teaching style and she does try her very best...
7 years ago
Easier than I anticipated
7 years ago
The name of this subject is quite misleading, as it actually explores the evolution of the Australia...
8 years ago
This subject is essentially an expansion of the second half of ECON205, with slightly less maths but...
8 years ago
Lecture is kind
8 years ago
A very interesting and fun subject! The teacher went beyond the textbook material and put a spotligh...
9 years ago
This subject is more company-oriented than ACCY111 and ACCY112, and explores a lot of theory content...
9 years ago
This subject could do with an extensive renovation. It is not well-organised, and seems to lack rele...
9 years ago
This subject is quite interesting and introduces you to the subject of innovation. The textbook is a...
9 years ago
This subject is more complex than its introductory counterpart, ECON111, as it introduces complex ma...
9 years ago
This subject is a significant step up from ECON101, re-introducing concepts in greater detail (and w...
9 years ago
While this subject introduces interesting concepts and is a good starting point for econometrics, it...
9 years ago
This subject is perhaps one of the most organised and the easiest to understand. If you did an econo...
9 years ago
While this subject isn't difficult, it could be a little better organised, and perhaps more case stu...
9 years ago
A good understanding of the material presented in ACCY111 will help you in this subject, which gradu...
9 years ago
This subject is a good introduction to the subject of finance, and is quite well-structured. However...
9 years ago
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