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STAT1520 The Uni. of Western Australia

Marty is a great and very helpful lecturer who genuinely wants to help his students and makes time f...

6 years ago

ACCT1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

MAKE sure you keep on top of things and understand the content each week. It is hard to cram this co...

6 years ago

LAWS1120 The Uni. of Western Australia

GREAT unit. Even for someone who has never done law before. Although the tutor you get makes quite a...

6 years ago

infs1602 UNSW

Terrible course. Really didn't like it. The lecturer didn't put enough effort into the course I thou...

6 years ago


I liked the course. The lecturer was very clear about the content of the exams and provided plenty o...

6 years ago

MKF2111 Monash Uni.

kinda interesting topic but the assessments didn't really help with much

6 years ago

MKF3461 Monash Uni.

needs more clarity for instructions on assessments

6 years ago

MGF2111 Monash Uni.

lectures were kinda off

6 years ago

HRMT3345 The Uni. of Western Australia

Interesting, easy unit if you're into the more people side of management!

6 years ago

BLAW1004 Curtin Uni.

Need to know case law, but very good unit

6 years ago


Honestly, this has been my least favourite unit so far. I found that one of the lecturers just read...

6 years ago

COMM101 Wollongong

Really interesting subject and case studies and super easy. Just make sure you do the tutorial readi...

6 years ago

FNCE10001 Uni. of Melbourne


6 years ago

BBA280 Macquarie

By far the WORST subject I’ve done since starting my degree two years ago. The conveynor was disorga...

6 years ago

LAWS1120 The Uni. of Western Australia

Loved this unit. Taught so well and I learnt so much about law. Would never go into a law degree tho...

6 years ago

STAT1520 The Uni. of Western Australia

Very fast paced so keep up with the lectures and the online videos. Marty was a great lecturer and t...

6 years ago

ACCT2112 The Uni. of Western Australia

Such an easy unit. SO little content and half the content was just basic logic. You kinda question w...

6 years ago

Fina1221 The Uni. of Western Australia

Lecturer wastes a lot of time trying to be cool (he was Frank). Stopped watching the lectures and ju...

6 years ago

ACCG1000 Macquarie

absolutely loved this unit, assignments were easily done and tutors were extremely helpful. pretty s...

6 years ago

ACST101 Macquarie

not that bad and is really well taught in the summer (session 3 which is when i completed it). TVM w...

6 years ago

ECON111 Macquarie

prashan is an amazing lecturer who keeps the lectures interesting. pretty easy subject if you stay o...

6 years ago

BTC3300 Monash Uni.

If Paul Sugden is taking this unit DO NOT DO IT! He is a disorganised mess and it will be a terrible...

6 years ago

MATH123 Macquarie

This unit provides very little useful detail or examples in regards to finance and economics, which...

6 years ago

MKTG10001 Uni. of Melbourne

I found tutorials are more beneficial in training your communication skill than understanding the ma...

6 years ago

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