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View all MAST20005 notesMAST20005 - Statistics Notes
This is a comprehensive compilation of information from MAST20005 lectures, the textbook, tutorials,...
30 pages, 7338 words
MAST20005 Statistics Course Summary Notes
The summary notes include all the topics covered from weeks 1 to 12 of the 2021 semester 2 Statistic...
58 pages, 9282 words
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* About me - Studied Undergraduate Pure Maths at Melbourne University - Studying Master of Mathem...
$70 per hour
PhD student in Statistical Inference and Machine Learning, Master Degree in Electrical Engineering,...
$70 per hour
Maths Graduate with First Class Honours| 5 Years, 3000+ hours of tutoring experience| 99.80 ATAR| Fr...
$49 per hour
Completed a Mathematics and Statistics degree at Melbourne Uni with First Class Honours. Been tutori...
$90 per hour
PhD student in Electrical Engineering, MSc and BSc in communication systems. I have taught more tha...
$40 per hour
Hi, I am a PhD student in Statistics at RMIT university, City Campus. I completed a Bachelor of S...
$90 per hour
I Have a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Unimelb. I have +7 years of experience teaching subject...
$25 per hour
Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...
$90 per hour
▪Free trial session available. ▪Qualifications: Master’s in Pure Mathematics; over 8 years of tutor...
$50 per hour
I am a final year international student majoring in Computing and Software Systems, with a mix of Ma...
Big step up from MAST20004 this is one of the difficult maths subjects to take in a second year if you are deciding on specialising on Statistics in your Maths and Stats major, data science, or commerce that is. Your first week teaches the basics of probability(reason you take this subject). I do not recommend doing it in the summer how the lecturer was being taught he literally just reads of from his lectures. New to this subject was the R statistical programming package you use in labs after finishing your tutorial, which you are using later on in the lab test. Assignments were a bit rigorous for some of the questions and the ones you have to learn R in some of the questions. The past exam questions were decent and if you're curious you can try the MAST90058 exams they basically share the same content. I recommand Damjan as your lecturer and try your best to finish the labs and tutorial materials ahead of time.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Damjan is a solid lecturer and delivered the content quite clearly. Quality of tutors ranged from acceptable to quite good depending on which class you got. There are a ton of resources for the subject which is great, everything released at the start of the subject. There is a lab test and lab component to the subject. I found these to be the weakest parts of the subject as it's just using R like a calculator. I would've liked to see the labs overhauled with a more focused purpose, especially considering 3rd year stats uses R a lot. Exam is consistent year to year.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
A good subject with acceptable-pacing and clear delivery of materials. There is a lot of past exams available for practice. Need to get acquainted with using R program for the lab test which can be quite dreadful, but overall manageable. Most of the topics are linked to one another making it easier to grasp.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
Probably the most well-resourced subject I've ever taken. Lectures slides + notes version of the slides released at the start of the semester, along with all the tutes and labs. I would recommend printing off either the slides or notes into a bound book. The content is reasonably tricky and while it can appear a bit dry initially, I really came to appreciate this subject once I understood the topics well enough for everything to start to come together. The 10% R Lab test means it's best to keep on top of the workshops, but you don't have to understand them perfectly to get almost all the lab test marks (the way you need to understand the theory almost perfectly to ace the exam), since it's mostly just the first half of the course that is assessed in the lab test. Damjan is a good, consistent lecturer.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
Decent subject; well organised, but could probably benefit with more focus on R given the lab test
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Fairly interesting and well organised subject; Somewhat applicable to real life
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Very dry subject
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
Very useful subject for those interested in analysing data! There is a focus on real life applications, backed by theory which makes it very interesting for those who want to apply their mathematical skills to real problems.