7,533 Business subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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Ecc1000 Monash Uni.

Great lecturer in Stephen King, interesting content.

10 years ago

MGC1010 Monash Uni.

Incredibly easy yet boring unit. Basically a 0% fail rate with an open book exam and questions of yo...

10 years ago

ACC1000 Monash Uni.

Good lecturers and tutors. Unfortunately lectures are not recorded and the management accounting top...

10 years ago

ETC1010 Monash Uni.

Ambiguous assignments given out with little assistance provided. Considered difficult by those who s...

10 years ago

MKC1200 Monash Uni.

Easy subject. Content can be fairly dry.

10 years ago

BTC1110 Monash Uni.

Interesting content but a lot of reading. Tutorials also tend to be rather intimidating and not very...

10 years ago


Make sure you complete all set questions before class! Don't waste time doing them in class when you...

10 years ago

200187 WSU

Did this unit over Summer session 2013/14 & it was awesome! Minimal stress & easy to follow.

10 years ago

STAT170 Macquarie

Lectures can be a little dull but quite an easy subject, long as you continue to go to the tutorials...

10 years ago


Really easy subject

10 years ago

ACCT3103 Uni. of Qld

Slacking off is a BIG NO NO! It's the hardest accounting subjects for me personally, just need tad m...

10 years ago

ECF1100 Monash Uni.

Can't not love George Rivers.

10 years ago

AFF1000 Monash Uni.

The exams and assignments are built around the weekly tutorial work. Master those few sheets, and yo...

10 years ago

MKF2111 Monash Uni.

One of the easier second year marketing subs to get a HD on

10 years ago

675 Uni. of Canberra

Mary Walsh is a brilliant lecturer and woman!

10 years ago

STAT170 Macquarie

Good subject, just make sure you stay on top of it.

10 years ago

WORK1003 Uni. of Sydney

If you are looking to gain knowledge in HR, this is the wrong subject. The content can at times be a...

10 years ago

MKTG101 Macquarie

Brilliant subject, easy to understand, and a very good GPA booster for most faculty of business stud...

10 years ago

STAT170 Macquarie

Easy subject, lecturer is good, the tutors are always there to lend a hand, it's a subject you simpl...

10 years ago

STAT170 Macquarie

Although the content is dry due to the subject this unit was executed brilliantly with many low-risk...

10 years ago

DESA1004 Uni. of Sydney

This subject is USYD's best kept secret. It is worth 6cp and is completely online. The only assessme...

10 years ago

WORK2203 Uni. of Sydney

Terribly boring. Didn't attend lectures after week 1. Avoid.

10 years ago

ECON1002 Uni. of Sydney

Better than ECON1001 but still difficult and boring (especially if you have no background in Economi...

10 years ago

MKTG1001 Uni. of Sydney

This is a fairly interesting subject, and pretty easy compared to most other commerce subjects (I go...

10 years ago

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