Pricing Strategies and Tactics
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View all 24224 notes24224 Pricing Strategies and Tactics Lecture Notes
Notes include: 1. Value-based pricing 2. Strategy and pricing 3. Traditional approaches to prici...
22 pages, 7003 words
Extensive textbook & lecture notes! Helped me get a HD. Notes are edited and formatted, and can be...
30 pages, 5141 words
Concise HD Pricing Strategies and Tactics Notes
Extensive Pricing Strategies and Tactics notes compiled from both the textbook and lecture slides th...
66 pages, 8862 words
UTS 24224 HD Pricing Note
This note has concluded all lectures in detailed, and with some samples. It has included: Lecture...
31 pages, 5045 words
UTS 24224 - Pricing Strategies & Tactics - Subject Notes (All Topics & All Subject Materials)
These notes are a comprehensive summary of all the content covered in this subject. They include exa...
23 pages, 8711 words
24224 Pricing Strategies and Tactics HD Notes
A concise summary of all information provided within the lectures as well as additional explanation...
20 pages, 4397 words
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John is super nice and the subject is useful