7,519 Business subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MKTG1203 The Uni. of Western Australia

One of the easiest units to do well in, but a bit boring. Little to no effort required for the weekl...

2 years ago

STAT1520 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit may seem daunting at first, but is honestly one of the easier units to do well in. The uni...

2 years ago

ECOS2001 Uni. of Sydney

Essential content for economics, business and law students, but it is a lot harder than BUSS1040 wit...

2 years ago

ECOS2201 Uni. of Sydney

Better than BUSS1000, this course uses maths to explain business strategy instead of research journa...

2 years ago

FINC2012 Uni. of Sydney

Difficult subject for me, but is an essential subject for finance and non-finance students. Applies...

2 years ago

FINC2011 Uni. of Sydney

Essential content for all finance majors, also useful for economics, project management and accounti...

2 years ago

CLAW1001 Uni. of Sydney

Well-organised and essential content for business, economics and law students.

2 years ago

BUSS1040 Uni. of Sydney

Essential content for all business, economics and law students.

2 years ago

BUSS1030 Uni. of Sydney

Essential content for all economics and business students. Fairly easy, but a bit tedious at times.

2 years ago

MKTG1203 The Uni. of Western Australia

Content is pretty self-explanatory if you have the textbook and watch most of the lectures. Lecturer...

2 years ago

ACCT1101 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit is fairly easy as long as you keep up with lectures and consistently do the worksheets and...

2 years ago

MGMT1135 The Uni. of Western Australia

Unit is really easy. Definitely need to put effort if you're looking for a D or HD. The presentation...

2 years ago

MKTG5578 The Uni. of Western Australia

Don’t do it, tutor sucks complete waste of money

2 years ago

MKF3121 Monash Uni.

This unit has the potential to be a great unit giving you the opportunity to learn valuable industry...

2 years ago

FNCE30009 Uni. of Melbourne

Easiest H1 you'll ever get.

2 years ago

FNCE30001 Uni. of Melbourne

Interesting class, much easier than ds but at times feels like a content dump. Based in QM1 level of...

2 years ago

ECON10004 Uni. of Melbourne

The various econ subjects are interesting. Sometimes got a bit frustrated with the strange grey zone...

2 years ago

22320 UTS

If you have a severe autism condition, you might actually do alright in this subject. This subject t...

2 years ago


I really like how instructors speak to you in Japanese. I've learnt more in a semester than I have i...

2 years ago

ETF2100 Monash Uni.

great introduction to econometrics. If you done basic statistics or data analysis then this should b...

2 years ago

BUSN2037 Flinders

The tutorials did not always reflect the mid term exam/final exam, best advice is to practice everyt...

2 years ago

BUSN2042 Flinders

This topic is relatively easy as long as you are prepared for tutes & the assignment/exam.

2 years ago

ACTL10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Review coming from a math student taking this class as a breadth. Don't do it for an easy class beca...

2 years ago

24108 UTS

A great foundational subject! Really need to understand your content and pay attention to all lectur...

2 years ago

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