Corporate Accounting
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View all ACCT2201 notesACCT2201 Corporate Accounting (Mark of 95/100 : HD Notes)
Through these notes, I achieved a mark of 95. I am selling my notes from Corporate Accounting (AC...
103 pages, 27915 words
Corporate Accounting Notes - ACCT2201
I am selling my notes for Corporate (ACCT2331) from Semester 1, 2018. Notes are created from lec...
87 pages, 13204 words
ACCT2201 Corporate Accounting Comprehensive Formula List and Calculation Shortcuts From Week 1-12 (very useful for final exam)
Do you struggle to understand the content in ACCT2201? Do you still have trouble solving problems ev...
17 pages, 5690 words
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I'm a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and have completed Masters of Professional Accounting from t...
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ONLINE TUTORING ONLY. I am a recent graduate in Marketing and Accounting. My GPA and WAM stand a...
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Hello! I am El, a recent UWA graduate with a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing. I offer online tutor...
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** Few spots left for Term 2 2023** Are you in need of a friendly, reliable and professional tutor...
I personally think that this unit is one of the hardest throughout my degree despite it being a level 2 unit. The consolidation chapters are very challenging. However, I have to say that my tutor did a great job in assisting me throughout the semester. I ended up with an HD.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
Very good unit if you enjoy the practical side of accounting. Lectures were pretty well set out in a way that it wasn't necessary at all to read the textbook. Tutorial and lecture practice questions were plentiful and gave a good indication for the tests and exam. Definitely go to the tutorials and ask questions if you're struggling or falling behind a bit but if not I felt that just having the tutorial solutions was enough. Content towards the back end builds upon itself so definitely don't fall behind. Mid-sem and final exam were practical only so theory was only necessary for the quizzes. As long as you have a good understanding and prepare for all the question scenarios through the tute questions before the exams, you'll do more than fine.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022
Interesting content but quite tough, make sure to really understand tutorial questions and ask for feedback and not lag behind. Slightly hard to manage time because solutions were released at the end of the week. Group project was quite tough, and the topic for the group project was included in the exam in our semester, not sure about others. I think assessments were all quite fair. There is team peer feedback with SPARKplus in this unit for the semester I was doing it. This unit definitely is not easy at all, so don't be discouraged if some stuff are quite hard, just make sure to ask questions.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021
really a tough unit but logical , nearly lost my HD.... the lecture is not interesting , just do carefully tutorial questions and understand solutions you will be fine
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
A challenging unit but it becomes simple if you put in the effort and practice constantly. Corporate accounting is undoubtedly the hardest accounting unit I have ever done so far and one of the topics, consolidation, is something that I have never heard before. To be fair, I was lucky because of Covid-19. They allow hard copy notes for the final exam which turned out to be very easy in my opinion (questions are similar to tutorials), mid sem was very easy and open book as well (got 100%), the group project wasn't too bad either (got a good group, although they only gave us 3 weeks to finish which was pretty short), and the quizzes were a breeze as well (got 100%, two attempts allowed). Lectures are boring so I never watched them. I just rely on my tutorials (I got a great tutor although he never responded to emails). Overall, an easy unit, but poorly managed.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
It's an amazing accounting unit which full of fun and challenge. Textbook helps me a lot to gain a better understanding of the whole accounting procedure for each chapter so I do think a hard copy of textbook is necessary for whom wants to get good marks in this unit. Tutorial questions are a very good guide for the learning of this unit and you can not find any ways better than practicing those tutorial questions again and again to familiar with all basic step to do accounting in a corporation context. EASY to get full mark in both mid-term exam and group assignment.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
It's defiantly a chanllenging unit to study, but the way the unit is sturctured makes it easy to understand. It's VERY important to study all the tutorial question in preparations for exams and assignment!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Lecture questions are definitely closely correlated to exam questions. BUT don't you EVER (and I mean it) slack off after the midsem because a pass mark in the final exam is required to pass the unit. I almost failed because I left study to the last minute.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
Challenging unit. Plenty of resources are provided to enhance learning. The examples covered in the lectures were incredibly helpful and were closely correlated to the exam questions.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
The unit seems to flow pretty well, but can be challenging.