7,520 Business subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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STAT1520 The Uni. of Western Australia

This is a great, well organised unit. It has a lot of contact hours though, 6 hours a week. For Math...

6 years ago

ECC2000 Monash Uni.

Lecturer does not seem to be that helpful, but you don't really need to listen to the lectures as th...

6 years ago

ETC2410 Monash Uni.

This unit is really difficult, it takes a long time understanding concepts and just generally learni...

6 years ago

ECON2004 Macquarie

Subject is interesting but lectures are boring

6 years ago

25602 UTS

Great subject, great lecturer (damian bridge). Requires a lot of memorising and reading long passage...

6 years ago

25620 UTS

Such a useful and relevant subject if you're studying finance. I thoroughly enjoyed it! But If you'r...

6 years ago

SCIE1122 The Uni. of Western Australia

Extremely enjoyable unit with the inclusion of the 2 field trips. Basically, the assessments are 2 s...

6 years ago

QBUS3310 Uni. of Sydney

Danny is an excellent lecturer, and always uses examples that make the content easy to understand be...

6 years ago

MKTG101 Macquarie

Very very easy subject. Just make sure you leave enough time before the final exam to get familiar w...

6 years ago

ACST101 Macquarie

Great subject!

6 years ago

STAT2170 Macquarie

Very poorly taught in the first semester with an immense language barrier. Tutorials are not long en...

6 years ago

ECON111 Macquarie

Great subject, very well taught

6 years ago

MUSI20150 Uni. of Melbourne

First of all, QUIZES ARE EASY and are worth 50% of total grade. I got 42% out of 50 but you should b...

6 years ago

ECON10004 Uni. of Melbourne

Overall, an interesting subject but too much models

6 years ago

ECON10003 Uni. of Melbourne

Be sure to understand the graphs and concepts behind it as well.

6 years ago

ACCT10003 Uni. of Melbourne

Subject should be okay, must read lecture notes and tutorial though

6 years ago

LAWS2301 The Uni. of Western Australia

A lot of content to learn.Buying the textbooks and reading through them help a lot with understandin...

6 years ago

FINA2209 The Uni. of Western Australia

Easily the easiest finance unit in the finance major. It's predominantly theory based, and there's c...

6 years ago

ECON1002 Uni. of Sydney

Sam Wills is the G.O.A.T.

6 years ago

ECOS3008 Uni. of Sydney

Very very very boring subject. The content is quite simple to understand but it is so boring and the...

6 years ago

ACC10007 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

Hard to get your head around, need to continuously practice the statements for the exam.

6 years ago

26100 UTS

Really superficial and infamously "airy fairy" subject. I study a double degree in Physics and Econo...

6 years ago

22107 UTS

Great lecturer, very time consuming tutorials which drill the knowledge you need. If you do the tuto...

6 years ago


It was interesting to learn about the various economists who developed all the theories and models y...

6 years ago

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