5,214 Arts subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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ENGL205 Macquarie

I thought this would be boring but it wasn't too bad at all. The readings were short and the lecture...

4 years ago

GEN110 Macquarie

This subject was epic! Yes there is a lot of readings but it's a sociology subject so obviously ther...

4 years ago

PSYC30019 Uni. of Melbourne

I enjoyed the content of this subject very much. Assessments were relevant and provided good insight...

4 years ago

GEND1901 The Uni. of Western Australia

Loved this unit. Tutorials were really engaging and allowed for open discussion of gender related to...

4 years ago

PSYC2218 The Uni. of Western Australia

Lab report focused on aspect ratios which I did not draw meaning from. Overall, the unit content was...

4 years ago

ENGL10002 Uni. of Melbourne

Excellent introduction to a vast range of texts and genres. Gives you a good idea of what subjects y...

4 years ago

CHNS1601 Uni. of Sydney

If you're looking for an easy mark and don't care about course content or learning anything substant...

4 years ago

GOVT3989 Uni. of Sydney

It's interesting, but more critical approaches not really touched upon. Lecturers were ok, but tutor...

4 years ago

GOVT3993 Uni. of Sydney

Extremely interesting and interactive course, outlining political, sociological, anthropological, et...

4 years ago

ENST20001 Uni. of Melbourne

Full blown arts subject, not science. Very airy fairy

4 years ago

ATS1125 Monash Uni.

Its good unit for someone interested in Journalism.

4 years ago

CRIM30005 Uni. of Melbourne

The subject matter is really interesting, and well explained. Reading list is relatively easy to han...

4 years ago


extremely interesting course and one of the rare, well-structured courses after trimesterisation, on...

4 years ago


Well presented subject with methodical assessments and available in S3.

4 years ago

ATS1255 Monash Uni.

This is an excellent unit for anyone interested in anthropology. The topics are varied and super int...

4 years ago

ATS1320 Monash Uni.

Not the most interesting unit, although I did enjoy the week on the American civil war. If you are a...

4 years ago

ATS1305 Monash Uni.

I genuinely would not recommend this unit to anyone unless they were really interested in film theor...

4 years ago

ATS1247 Monash Uni.

If you are interested in archaeology & ancient cultures, then you will probably love this subject as...

4 years ago

PSYC20009 Uni. of Melbourne

I really liked this subject! Some lecturers do have a more of a story telling style which can be har...

4 years ago

PHI3PNJ La Trobe

If I could give this subject 0 stars, I would. This is the biggest waste of money and time, will dri...

4 years ago

POLS2515 Uni. of Qld

Great theories but lacked any practical aspect to learning the practical component of them. Knowledg...

4 years ago

POLS2603 Uni. of Qld

Really great topics, engaging lectures but a bit lacking in terms of content. Felt like an introduct...

4 years ago

POLS3511 Uni. of Qld

David Duriesmith is an amazing lecturer. Challenged everyone's political stances by constantly argui...

4 years ago

POLS1301 Uni. of Qld

Great lecturer and amazing tutor who went above and beyond to engage and include everyone. Really ex...

4 years ago

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