5,214 Arts subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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ACR203 Deakin Uni.

I thought it was very good, especially the lecturer April. If you see she's taking it you should def...

8 hours ago

LING1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

I enjoyed this unit a lot! Really interesting content, especially if you're interested in linguistic...

3 days ago

ENGL1021 Macquarie

An absolute gem of a unit!! It brought back my love and passion for reading and writing (which had d...

1 week ago

PHIL30052 Uni. of Melbourne

Content of this subject is absolutely incredible. Karen and Matilda were super knowledgable and inte...

1 week ago

PUBH2209 The Uni. of Western Australia

Honestly, this unit is very chill and easy-going. All the assessments are squeezed into the second-h...

1 week ago

PUBH2209 The Uni. of Western Australia

The unit content is overall pretty easy. But the marking is nearly random and highly subjective as i...

1 week ago

MECM30016 Uni. of Melbourne

great subject if you have a strong sense of self-guided study. Even better subject if you want to de...

1 week ago

CULS30004 Uni. of Melbourne

ditto to everything that everyone has said. extremely interesting theories and concepts. very heavy...

1 week ago

LAWS1111 The Uni. of Western Australia

I'm not one to complain about the lack of assessments, but I do think the assessments leading up to...

1 week ago

PUBH2209 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit isn't hard but it did require a lot of writing and analysing sources/articles for quotes....

1 week ago

MUSC1203 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit is so slept on! You don't have to watch a single lecture to do well in this unit. There ar...

1 week ago

ANTH3001 The Uni. of Western Australia

Super interesting unit run by an extremely passionate lecturer- one of the best lecturers I’ve had i...

2 weeks ago

CULS20014 Uni. of Melbourne

I took this subject because everyone said it was easy, but I think they changed the subject coordina...

2 weeks ago

ARTS10002 Uni. of Melbourne

Uninteresting. Unpractical. Unnecessary. This subject will be one of the worst classes you have to t...

2 weeks ago

CRIM30006 Uni. of Melbourne

told myself that once ive completed this subject, i would head straight to studentvip and do a revie...

2 weeks ago

PSYC30017 Uni. of Melbourne

I'm not going to lie, this is quite a challenging subject. The content was dense and, at times, diff...

2 weeks ago

LAWS1112 The Uni. of Western Australia

I took this unit as an elective and can safely say I'm glad to have. The assignment was actually qui...

3 weeks ago

ENGL2401 The Uni. of Western Australia

Wasn’t that enjoyable. Tutorial was long and exhausting. The tutor expected you to share your though...

3 weeks ago

GEOG30021 Uni. of Melbourne

Interesting subject

3 weeks ago

ENGL1800 Uni. of Qld

A simple and brilliant course. It’s a wonderful foundation for any study in English Literature. The...

1 month ago

ANCH2030 Uni. of Qld

What a spectacular course! The course follows the myths and religion of Ancient Greece, the Near Eas...

1 month ago

ANCH1240 Uni. of Qld

Absolutely amazing lectures and tutors. They brought the subject to life by having the perfect mix o...

1 month ago


Very interesting course and lecturer was so passionate and innovative

1 month ago

CWRI20005 Uni. of Melbourne

It was a really interesting with so many wonderful readings and topics throughout the semester! It's...

1 month ago

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