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Worth it just to learn the basics of InDesign. The content and tutorials aren't great though...
9 years agoAMB264
A really difficult class, very useful. If you do all the class and tute work you can get through it....
9 years agoSWB404
It wasn't set out well, and felt like a complete waste of time. Be prepared for feeling like you wen...
9 years agoSWB110
I was a fourth year doing a first year elective, so a lot of the content was a repeat of what I've a...
9 years agoPYB350
Phillipe is a great lecturer who attempts to make a dry subject interesting. This subject simply sho...
9 years agoPYB306
Very heavily content based. The lecturers struggle to get through everything they have to in time. I...
9 years agoLLB205
Newly combined two subjects into one. The equity part is pretty repetitive of contracts. A lot of co...
9 years agoLLB142
Great if you don't do business, gives you some key concepts and background knowledge. Easy elective,...
9 years agoLLB202
I really enjoyed contracts and I had a fantastic tutor. I found all of the assignments to be engagin...
9 years agoAMB209
Good subject, didn't really use the text book. Lecturer is really engaging, and easy to follow in le...
9 years agoPYB208
Great content, staff, assessment, tutorials - great subject. Jane is a great tutor and Susan is a fa...
9 years agoPYB102
Great content. Great staff, Phillipe is an exceptionally engaging lecturer, even though he only had...
9 years agoSWB110
Didn't learn a hell of a lot, but what I did learn was interesting. Textbook was free online which i...
9 years agoPYB110
Stats can be an absolute drag, but the facilities and staff were incredibly helpful and walked every...
9 years agoBSB110
When I did it, it was a well structured unit. While at times I found myself not engaging with the un...
9 years agoBSB119
Overall, I found the entire unit enjoyable. I had learnt a lot and it is one of the reasons I chose...
9 years agoMGB225
Always turn up to tutorials, make sure you find a decent group to do the group assessment with (l wa...
9 years agoEDB140
Extremely important class as it helps you get ready for your first prac! Learnt heaps of new strateg...
9 years agoCRB005
Really great class, so helpful and learnt so much. Important stuff learnt in every tutorial, attenda...
9 years agoKJB121
KJB121 was okay, but I feel it could use a little more structure. It basically felt like a repeat of...
9 years agoKKB102
This subject is not specific to any discipline and just doesn't make sense. I can't apply any of the...
9 years agoXNB491
I think this was one of the most beneficial subjects I did at university before starting full time t...
9 years agoCSB343
Loved it! Best part about this course are the prac a and this was no exception. Had amazing mentors...
9 years agoPVB204
Electromagnetism is a fascinating subject that explains the fundamentals behind maxwells equations,...
9 years agoBrowse QUT subjects areas: