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- Business
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Latest activity on Business subjects at QUT...
a must do for conceptual clarity in Finance
7 years ago
A good subject for in depth understanding
7 years ago
Great unit for anyone willing to learn about marketing, consumer behavior, how and why businesses ma...
7 years ago
Could anyone explain more on what can you expect with the assignments? Boring? Interesting? Hard? Ea...
7 years ago
I have personally taken BSB110 in 2011 (which is basically the same as BSD110) and have been tutorin...
7 years ago
I have personally taken this course in 2011 and have been tutoring this course every semester since...
7 years ago
I will be taking this unit this semester. I added it in error when I mixed it up with another simila...
7 years ago
A lot of interesting and informative theory is covered. The structure and instructions for the case...
8 years ago
I was skeptical about this subject because most people described economics as boring. I admit some o...
8 years ago
As a mature age student, this subject was great as I could find "real world" relevance in all the th...
8 years ago
Keiran was an amazing tutor and made a subject that I was worried I wasn't going to enjoy a very enj...
8 years ago
The new lecturer, Chrisann is hopeless. I am annoyed by her voice (possibly just my own opinion thou...
8 years ago
Janet was great, got everything with her and was able to pick up the content really well. Not sure w...
8 years ago
Didn't like this subject at all, some weeks the content was just dull and pointless. Group assignmen...
8 years ago
Following through his lectures and notes is more than enough to get a lot out of it!
8 years ago
Going through the lecture slides and notes will boost your knowledge in analysing the numbers and de...
8 years ago
Frequently visit all the additional notes and the quizzes will boost your knowledge in finance. This...
8 years ago
I believe sticking to good time management, students will be able to get a lot out of this subject.
8 years ago
Content was okay but very heavily based on the textbook. Assessment was a bit odd but also marked ve...
8 years ago
A fantastically interesting unit that comes with a number of challenges. The assessments are very fa...
8 years ago
This unit help you learn and, hopefully, become more culturally intelligent (developing your CQ). Yo...
8 years ago
Very practical unit, the assignment was fiddly which was annoying and the instructions were vague. I...
8 years ago
Covered all the theories needed in order to understand how to grow an organisation and make decision...
8 years ago
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