- VU
- Subjects
- Health
- 159 VU Health textbooks
- 17 VU Health tutors
- 32 VU Health ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Health subjects at VU...
Tutor was amazing, really helpful and explained things in a way everyone could understand.
10 years ago
Good teacher, helpful learning activities, easy exams
10 years ago
Very interesting, great teachers, helpful learning activities.
10 years ago
Definitely a challenging subject, be sure to ask as many questions as you can when you don't underst...
10 years ago
Eye opening subject, really enjoyed it.
10 years ago
head down for this subject, lots of study, make sure to ask plenty of questions and form a study gro...
10 years ago
A difficult subject, needs to be more basic.
10 years ago
Good teaching staff, needs to be more interesting though to engage students.
10 years ago
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