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Relatively simple unit, but do make sure to understand discounting cash flows properly and theory. C...

5 years ago


Did ACCT1001 in summer school 2019 and nearly passed away. Would definitely not recommend doing this...

5 years ago


Very HD'able unit given you at least try. Lectures are useless (didn't attend a single one), just re...

5 years ago


Unit is quite boring, however, concepts are very easy to grasp if you read the book and ask tutor qu...

5 years ago


Such an interesting unit! Did not expect to enjoy this as much as ECON1101 but Elisa proved me wrong...

5 years ago


Interesting and straightforward content. Make sure you get a good group for your group assignment. T...

5 years ago


I took the unit over summer 2018/9 with Ishita. A lot of time is spent going over first year concept...

5 years ago


Easy unit, lectures not necessary to attend/watch - its simply lecturer reading off ppt slides. even...

5 years ago


The textbook was awesome! Really well organised and informative and the unit coordinator went in chr...

5 years ago


Overall a very rewarding unit but as mentioned in other reviews, it requires a lot of time and effor...

5 years ago


Very content heavy and theory based. Make sure you read the textbook chapters for the quizzes. Makin...

5 years ago


Great unit, very HDable, just the group assignment was marked harshly so make sure you get a good gr...

5 years ago


One of my all-time favourite units. It is focused on application rather than theory. Each week, you...

5 years ago


Unit was fairly easy one you got the hang of the diagrams and explanations to go with them. However...

5 years ago


Despite the content being very dry/uninteresting it is reasonably easy to keep up with and understan...

5 years ago


not the most interesting unit, but was very achievable to get a HD due to the lecturer Marty always...

5 years ago


An easy unit which you can pass easily. The field trip is random but if you have friends in the unit...

5 years ago


If you want easy marks this unit is for you. If you want to actually learn some useful stuff and get...

5 years ago


This unit had a bit of rough organisation (i.e. some content lacking in tutorial questions and slide...

5 years ago


Marty is an amazing lecturer who really breaks the concepts down into bite-sized pieces. I found the...

5 years ago


This was an engaging and eye-opening unit. The field trip was fun and there was a lot to learn from...

5 years ago


This unit isn't easy. The best way to prepare for the midsem (which was harsh, bc a question stumped...

5 years ago


Marty is a great and very helpful lecturer who genuinely wants to help his students and makes time f...

5 years ago


MAKE sure you keep on top of things and understand the content each week. It is hard to cram this co...

5 years ago

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