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If your good at Essays and like reading, then you'll enjoy this subject!

10 years ago


best detailed lecture

10 years ago


key thing is you know how to apply the legal case/theory and use it sufficiently

10 years ago


hard theory but easy math. not too bad

10 years ago


Really enjoyed this subject! The learning material was awesome!

10 years ago


Doing well in Accounting A and attending all your lectures and tutorials will help immensely. Practi...

10 years ago


Finance is pretty challenging subject. I find that doing practice questions will help understand con...

10 years ago


This subject was pretty simple. A lot of the subject was learning the definitions of terms. It would...

10 years ago


There was lots and lots of reading, but the topics are pretty interesting. The essays were a lot of...

10 years ago


Easy math as long as you read and understand clearly lecture notes and do homework before hand.

10 years ago


The best thing I like about this subject of UTS is the tutorial videos were provided in UTSonline, w...

10 years ago


Very challenging but it is easier to study when you understand the pattern. A little tip: textbo...

10 years ago


A Year 7 student could pass this subject. The group work was an absolute bore and a total struggle.

10 years ago


Just scraped through. In the tutes there was too much focus on Excel which wasn't even tested. Don't...

10 years ago


Showing up to lectures and tutorials is highly critical. Dr. Prahbu is a great lecturer and he will...

10 years ago


Many concepts are genuinely interesting and it's great to see how everything works, but the layout o...

10 years ago


Your mark in this subject is really put down to two components, the exams (midsemester and final) an...

10 years ago


Although I don't agree with the commonly spoken opinion that this subject is difficult, it is perhap...

10 years ago


Coming from a background where I only knew of economic principles quite primitively, never undertaki...

10 years ago


This subject is not completely useless and I can see the foundational knowledge of contract law that...

10 years ago


Practice. Practice and Practice. There are a lot of confusion if you dont practice and seek clarity.

10 years ago


Understand all the theory part then the maths is easy.

10 years ago


Quite tricky but reading the lecture and understanding all the formula will help

10 years ago


Lecturer is very helpful by checking your homework and always engage the students. If you are active...

10 years ago

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