Administrative Law
70617 is rated by StudentVIP members:
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View all 70617 notesJudicial Review and Merits Review Scaffolds
This listing is for exam scaffolds. They are succinct and outline an extremely helpful step-by-step...
10 pages, 3721 words
Complete and Comprehensive 70617 Admin Law Exam Notes (Distinction Mark)
with step by step guide on how to answer problem questions, with all authorities and cases.
72 pages, 29300 words
In Detail Exam Admin Notes
A perfect, concise summary of every aspect of Admin Law broken down into the key elements. Perfect a...
49 pages, 10500 words
70617 Administrative Law Fully Annotated Exam Notes
I scored HIGH DISTINCTION in this subject, these scaffolds are the ones I took into the exam. This s...
3 pages, 1308 words
Complete Administrative Law Notes
2016 Complete Administrative Law (70617) Notes Comes with complete exam notes, skeletons (includi...
56 pages, 17867 words
Administrative Law Notes: Delegated Legislation + Judicial Review
* Visual Learning. Lecture Notes + Textbook Notes * Problem Question tips generally in each topic....
69 pages, 23898 words
Extensive Admin Law Exam Notes
VERY DETAILED notes covering the entire course - all key cases and legislation. Perfect for exam pre...
211 pages, 58411 words
Complete Admin Law Notes
Complete notes for the Admin Law course!! These extensive notes cover all topics..inclusive of every...
165 pages, 59562 words
Administrative Law Notes - DETAILED AND CLEAR
These notes were amazing - they were based on all the lectures and clearly outline the content of th...
115 pages, 52070 words
Admin Law Notes
I received a HD for my AAT admission assignment, a HD for participation and oral submissions, and fo...
192 pages, 73780 words
Become a tutor for 70617Alexandra
$100 per hour
Experienced lawyer and tutor of business and law subjects (10+ years). Academic background: Distinct...
$30 per hour
Hi! I'm Kelly, your personal tutor. I am a Deans Scholar, and currently in my penultimate year of my...
$100 per hour
Hi! I’m Claudia. I am a solicitor. I graduated from the University of Technology, Sydney in 2021...
$20 per hour
Test Prep, Assignment Assistance, Essay Planning, Proofreading I look forward to taking on privat...
$25 per hour
** University Medallist ** Award Winning Tutor ** Funny, Relaxed and Approachable Hello! I'm Jan...
$48 per hour
Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...
$25 per hour
Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...
$130 per hour
YES IM AVAILABLE. PLEASE MESSAGE / EMAIL ME. An experienced tutor of 10+ years and lawyer workin...
Complex bulky contextual subject and requires you yo keep up with the weekly readings and assessments to remain on top of it. Once you get your head around the procedural aspects and rules it is much more manageable and digestible with a coordinator who was not only approachable but also very helpful. Final exam was also manageable if you had kept up with your notes and attending classes.
Anonymous, Autumn session, 2017
Olivia is a great lecturer / tutor. The subject itself is a little dry with some difficult concepts to grasp. Most students should pass without difficulty though.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014
I thoroughly enjoyed this subject. It is one that focuses on substantive law rather than procedural rules like Evidence and Criminal Procedure. There are two main components Judicial Review and Merit Review. Both main topics contain a step by step procedure to follow and it appears very systematic in addressing a problem question. It contains a class participation component, problem question assignment and final exam. The final exam this semester required a lot in a limited period of time i.e. two theory based questions and a problem question (with 4 10 mark questions) so it is a good idea to try your best during the semester in those two assessment tasks. Both the tutors and lecturers are very helpful and deliver the content in a digestible manner.