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The most boring and useless course I have ever had to endure in my psychology degree. The lecturer i...
6 years agoWRIT7050
This subject was a very fun introduction to writing a short story. It focuses on conventional narrat...
6 years agoPSYC3034
I haven't 5alked to a single person who liked this subject. The lectures are almost irrelevant to th...
6 years agoPSYC3192
Loved this course. Was so happy to see it being taught again. A good introduction to neurosciemce to...
6 years agoPSYC3102
I had such high Hope's for this course. The lecturer even sounded bored teaching it. This could be s...
6 years agoLING1000
Really interesting content, very fair exams, lecturer makes confusing concepts as simple as she can...
6 years agoMGTS1301
This course seemed so "vegetable" until the final exam came through and bashed my face with an eggpl...
6 years agoENGG1500
Prefect course for students who want to study chemical engineering in their following years. This co...
6 years agoGEND1010
An amazing course which teaches many issues facing feminism as a theoretical body, women as a group,...
6 years agoPOLS1101
This course is pretty basic. Textbook readings were useful for those new to these topics but extreme...
6 years agoLAWS2113
There should be more guidance towards the assignments certainly. I did thoroughly enjoy learning the...
6 years agoECON2020
Great subject, lecturer is quite understanding and helpful. The content does build up really quickly...
6 years agoPSYC3262
I found this a very interesting course! The lecturer is very engaging and enjoyable, with plenty of...
6 years agoHLTH3000
The course is pretty great overall, especially since there’s no final exam. The quiz assessment was...
6 years agoENGL1500
A good course, though quite intensive with assessments particularly with the quizzes.
6 years agoENGL1800
This is a very important subject that is really essential to doing an English Literature major. The...
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