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A brief intro to some of the concepts in cognitive and biological/neuro psychology. Mandatory for th...
6 years agoCHEM1100
I love the CROMs. It's quite easy to fall behind on the lectures but the weekly CROMs make sure you...
6 years agoCHEM1100
This course has very interesting content, that can be a little challenging if you don't stay ontop o...
6 years agoMATH1050
Very easy course if you follow all lectures and tutes. Very helpful in guiding students through the...
6 years agoPHYS1171
Overall a good course. Content is pretty fast paced for someone who's never done physics. It's impor...
6 years agoBIOL1020
Overall, this course was interesting. I enjoyed learning about the different concepts in lectures bu...
7 years agoCHEM1100
I really found that this course enabled me to finally understand everything I learnt in high school...
7 years agoPSYC1020
Easy introductory course, there will be challenging elements to the course material if you haven't e...
7 years agoPSYC2030
I loved this course and can't recommend it enough! The assessment is staggered throughout the semest...
7 years agoPSYC2010
I expected this course to be far harder than it was. I enjoyed the delivery of the lecture content a...
7 years agoPSYC2040
One of the best courses I have ever taken! The lecturer is super engaging and I thoroughly enjoyed t...
7 years agoSTAT1201
Delivery of the lectures was quite dull, gets boring sometimes if you're not interested in statistic...
7 years agoSTAT1301
Alan is a good lecturer. He would always be trying to teach us intuitively. STAT1201 is the harder p...
7 years agoCHEM1200
Pretty much like CHEM1100, teaching style and content wise. A relatively easy first year course.
7 years agoSTAT2003
You have no choice but to attend the lectures as stuffs on the whiteboard are not recorded! Kind of...
7 years agoCHEM1100
A very easy and intuitive course. It's just a little too big so you'll probably need some friends or...
7 years agoSCIE1100
A relatively interesting and fun course. Besides the intuitive contents in SCIE1000, the extra conta...
7 years agoSCIE1000
An easy course as the materials and assessment are all based on your logical thinking skills. As lon...
7 years agoPSYC3042
I loved the content in PSYC3042, but the new lecturer is extremely rude and condescending.
7 years agoMATH1061
Fun and interesting subject that provides fundamental knowledge for other maths subjects. Assignment...
7 years agoPHYS1171
This course was very similar to Qld Senior Physics with and interesting biological twist (such as ca...
7 years agoBrowse UQ subjects areas: