Auditing & Public Practice
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View all ACCT3101 notesFinal summary
Personal summary for topics including: - Lecture 5 Audit Planning, Materiality & Risk - Lecture 6...
24 pages, 6305 words
One page cheat sheet for Mid-term Exam
Here is my personal summary for the Mid-term exam cheat sheet, which can be brought into the exam. I...
2 pages, 3050 words
Summary for mid-term exam
Here is my personal summary for mid-term exam, including: - Lecture 1: Introduction & Auditors’ Leg...
15 pages, 3020 words
ACCT3101 Midsem Notes
Topics 1-4 : 1. Introduction & Functions of Auditing 2. Audit Reports & Audit objectives 3. Ethic...
24 pages, 5632 words
Final Exam Cheat Sheet
Lecture 1: Introduction Lecture 2: Auditor's responsibility & Audit reports Lecture 3: Ethics & i...
1 pages, 450 words
Audit Notes for Mid Sem + Final Exam
This contains every piece of information you could possibly need for the final exam and the mid seme...
3 pages, 8983 words
ACCT3101 Midsem notes
Midsemester exam notes Topics 1-4 derived from lectures, tutorials, textbook and other course read...
13 pages, 2794 words
ACCT3101 Final exam notes
Final exam notes Topics 5-11 derived from lectures, tutorials, textbook and other course readings...
24 pages, 2985 words
ACCT3101 Midsem and Final exam notes
Midsem and final exam notes All lectures (1-11) Notes derived from lectures, tutorials, textboo...
38 pages, 7789 words
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RELIABLE-RESPONSIBLE-PATIENT-ACCESSIBLE [LIVE ZOOM] Looking for a friendly tutor who can help you...
This subject was interesting but the exams are harder than the tutorials.