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Good course overall with a good indepth summary of the 20th century. I really like the lecturer for...

9 years ago


Personally, I really did not enjoy this subject. My first economics subject I took was Microeconomic...

9 years ago


This subject is quite content heavy and involves a considerable amount of group work, however the ma...

9 years ago


I was quite surprised with this course, I found it very interesting and Leela is a great lecturer! I...

9 years ago


ACCT1501 is a great subject as it gives you an insight and basic info in learning accounting. Though...

9 years ago


2 x 2 hour lectures a little long at times, especially if you have the 4-6pm lecture. Alright subjec...

9 years ago


Interesting subject, just not excellently taught. Do your readings and be on top of your final proje...

9 years ago


Good subject that gives a broad understanding of biology, although may seem a little repetitive if y...

9 years ago


Gives a great introduction to microbiology, biotechnology and general biological processes and their...

9 years ago


Great course and a range of interesting topics were explored. Tutorials were interesting as well

9 years ago


The course built well on the social course in second year, and the increased depth was appreciated,...

9 years ago


The course covered a lot of interesting topics and explored a lot of the questions that I came to ps...

9 years ago


A good course that built well on the knowledge gained in second year.

9 years ago


I really loved this course. The lecturer was interesting, the topics were covered in enough depth to...

9 years ago


I thought the course was well structured and a nice introduction to statistics in psychology, but as...

9 years ago


Although some of the cognitive topics in the course got a little dry at times, learning about the vi...

9 years ago


This course sparked my interest in psychobiology and I really enjoyed moving more into the biologica...

9 years ago


I personally enjoyed this class more than PSYC1001, due to the focus shifting more towards areas of...

9 years ago


I enjoyed this class a fair bit as an introduction to psychology, although I thought its treatment o...

9 years ago


Not a fun course, but certainly possible to do quite well in it, depending on how easily you're able...

9 years ago


Microeconomics is one of the more enjoyable courses, but still has its flaws. I personally found the...

9 years ago


Starting off your law degree with this course doesn't leave a very good impression. The content is q...

9 years ago


Accounting 1A is not the most enjoyable course by far, but it is a course where you can easily do we...

9 years ago


Very difficult but interesting. Focuses on problem solving. You need to practice, lots. Covers a lot...

10 years ago

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