Statistics for Life and Social Sciences
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View all MATH1041 notesHD (93 Mark) MATH1041 Notes (2017) - Everything You Need For a HD
Includes: -ALL content from Lectures, Tutorials, Labs + Textbook (Newest Edition) - ALL relevan...
35 pages, 8430 words
(S1 2017) Final Exam Revision
I've been tutoring MATH1041 for 2 semesters and am still currently tutoring so rest assured that the...
23 pages, 2500 words
Become a tutor for MATH1041Stuart
$50 per hour
Maths Graduate with First Class Honours| 5 Years, 3000+ hours of tutoring experience| 99.80 ATAR| Fr...
$70 per hour
Hi! I'm an experienced tutor for assessment preparation (pay AFTER results), including assignments a...
$25 per hour
Get your study notes at TOVO.EDUCATION * | Premium Service | 1-On-1 Tutoring | Professional Li...
$25 per hour
PhD scholarship holder || Casual Tutor/Lecturer || Award-winning teacher || Crazy Dog Lover Total...
$25 per hour
Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...
$90 per hour
▪Free trial session available. ▪Qualifications: Master’s in Pure Mathematics; over 8 years of tutor...
$95 per hour
* Data Scientist with a PhD in statistics * I have more than 10 years of university lecturing and...
$30 per hour
## First session FREE ## PhD Candidate + Scholarship Recipient || Award-Winning Tutor || Exam Pre...
$100 per hour
Top Ranked 17+ great reviews, experienced, Staff Tutor@UTS, D avg, exam focused, tailored, honours s...
$95 per hour
* Data Scientist with a PhD in statistics * I have more than 10 years of university lecturing and...
Stay on top of your work. It's a good subject but really hard to catch up on. Assessments were relevant and Jakub was an amazing help.
Anonymous, Term 1, 2020
A very well taught and relevant subject. Jakub was a great lecturer, being very straightforward. Assessment tasks were straightforward
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
A practical introduction to statistics. This was my least favourite area of maths in Year 12 but this course made it into my favourite by far. Lecturers were friendly and ready to answer all questions, and the course required very little background in maths, which made the whole thing pretty easy going.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Interesting subject, do not need to be really good at maths to do well in this course. Go to Jakub's lectures way better compared to Dianna, he explains the concepts really well and goes through numerous examples. Stay up to date with 2 lectures a week and you will be fine
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
An excellent introductory overview of statistics. It covers probability & random variables, hypothesis testing and regression.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
I really enjoyed this course. The course doesn’t require a lot of calculus math. I would totally recommend this course because it’s a subject that can be applied to any field. Definitely handy and practical.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
Straight forward subject. Not much math background needed, just do the work and past papers and exams are straightforward.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
Excellently run if you have the male lecturer. However can get boring with the female one. Easy to reach high marks.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015
Very practical, useful subject. Fairly easy, make sure you do past papers though, the final exam is nearly identical to them.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Easy subject, but requires consistent effort. Overall it was chill, gave me plenty of time to balance my other subjects