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Latest activity on Science subjects at Uni. of Melbourne...


Keep on top of the workload during the semester, as come swot vac the amount of details you need to...

8 years ago


It's certainly an interesting subject if you have a keen interest in animal physiology and differing...

8 years ago


It is an incredibly interesting subject, there are 2 lecturers, one that will cover the majority of...

8 years ago


It was a well taught subject and very interesting. The class is adapted each year to give an up to d...

8 years ago


There's a lot of content to cover so it does get stressful. I had questions/confusions about some of...

8 years ago


Very easy, all memorization

8 years ago


I used to hate physics in high school but I enjoyed this subject. Michelle and Ann were great lectur...

8 years ago


Practicals are where most of the people struggled so do well in practicals and post prac tests! Be c...

8 years ago


Did this as a winter intensive. Loved the time I spent in these classes, the time flew and I learnt...

8 years ago


Loved this subject! low contact hours, really easy to do well in, and I always left the class feelin...

8 years ago


This subject was really interesting but I felt it was unclear what was expected of you for the exam....

8 years ago


i never did vce biology and i found this subject so easy to pick up and very interesting, it was awe...

8 years ago


Was pretty overwhelming. Hated that the hardest lectures (quantum mechanics) were not recorded, but...

8 years ago


The maths in Vector Calculus is applicable, and very relevant to physics students

8 years ago


I felt a little overwhelmed in the lectures but the tutorials helped clear everything up and made it...

8 years ago


Well taught subject, it is worthwhile to attend each tute class. This subject is a good introduction...

8 years ago


Easy to do well and loved the subject overall. My only complaint - did not like the sensation and pe...

8 years ago


I loved this subject! as someone who had never experienced biology in VCE I found it easy to pick up...

8 years ago


I had never done biology in VCE and I loved this subject and found it fairly easy to do well in, but...

8 years ago


This subject was fairly easy to do well in if you have a science background, i feel like i would hav...

8 years ago


Very good subject! Key for this is to keep on top of the weekly kanji and grammar, if these are revi...

8 years ago


Overall a very solid subject, lectures are pretty good across the board although there was a couple...

8 years ago


I found Neuorphys. to be one of the more enjoyable subjects, due to the content in a large part bein...

8 years ago


The Biomedical research project (BIOM30003) is the best subject I took in my Undergraduate science d...

8 years ago

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