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Latest activity on Science subjects at Uni. of Melbourne...


I think everyone should try analysis, it is very important, but personally I did not enjoy it (mostl...

7 years ago


This is more of a course on Geometry AND topology, you will study lots of topology! It is a nice mix...

7 years ago


I liked the subject and the way it was taught, however I think that the way they teach proof-writing...

7 years ago


Algebra is incredibly abstract in comparison to most of the other subjects I've completed throughout...

7 years ago


I really enjoyed Graph Theory! As a Pure Mathematics Student, it really helped to develop my proof-w...

7 years ago


First year psych is a bit of a drag, but the teaching staff are excellent!

7 years ago


Worried about stats? Don't be! This course is incredibly comprehensive and presented in an easy to u...

7 years ago


Very interesting subject with just the right amount of content! It is doable, and the pracs help you...

7 years ago


A very interesting subject but you need to keep on top of things so that you dont fall behind.

7 years ago


Interesting subject. Really gets you thinking depending on how you choose to treat it. Always nice t...

7 years ago


The content covers all the necessary basics doing justice to its existence as a math pre-requisite s...

7 years ago


Great way to begin your journey towards fluent speech in French. No prior knowledge required whatsoe...

7 years ago


This has definitely been my favourite subject so far. This subject starts off quite light, beginning...

7 years ago


Easy if you have a background in biology.. not so much if you don't.. BUT best way to get a good gra...

7 years ago


There's definitely quite a few readings, but if you enjoy philosophy, then this shouldn't be a major...

7 years ago


History of Pop subject with singing element. Not necessary to go or watch lectures. Final essay is m...

7 years ago


A really good subject if you are interested in computing, but haven't done anything like it before....

7 years ago


Just refreshing what you've gone through in high school with a little extra information. During the...

7 years ago


I'll be honest. I disliked this subject - and I know many others who do too because the return I rec...

7 years ago


Really really interesting subject, very well taught in my opinion. The tutors were extremely kind an...

7 years ago


Very dry subject content, the tutorials were pointless for me because it was all compulsory group wo...

7 years ago


High School Maths. You'll def smash it.

7 years ago


Hard. Just try your best ! :)

7 years ago


Easier than Calc 2. Might seem a bit abstract initially (with all the subspace etc) but the final ex...

7 years ago

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