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Latest activity on Science subjects at Uni. of Melbourne...


Chem 2 is insanely challenging so make sure to work hard on it! As a last-minute person, my brain al...

7 years ago


Genetics is pretty challenging to me compared to Cells & Organisms. Perhaps I don't really like gene...

7 years ago


The content for this subject is pretty easy. Some chapters like the organelles of a cell have been t...

7 years ago


Chem 1 is surprisingly pretty easy to score! I was so worried for this subject in the beginning as I...

7 years ago


A great subject, poorly taught. The lectures are conducted by professors from a variety of differe...

7 years ago


I love Japanese, but everything else in this subject was kind of meh. The thorough and structured...

7 years ago


Interesting subject. A good advice is to prepare for the lectures by doing the readings or go throug...

7 years ago


Very fun and interesting subject. Requires a lot of work if wanting a good mark. Alistair’s lectures...

7 years ago


Loved this subject! A lot of interesting knowledge to be learned, and 2/3 lecturers were a joy to li...

7 years ago


Gives a good overview of various areas of decision theory and game theory. Has a good mixture of pro...

7 years ago


Lots and lots of counting.... some of the topics have probably too much time spent on them (the comb...

7 years ago


quite disorganised with overcomplicated explanations of various topics. exam was HUGE - I would have...

7 years ago


This subject was really enjoyable and reminded me why I chose Biomedicine. The first half of the cou...

7 years ago


Whilst the subject content was interesting enough, the subject was badly organised and at times very...

7 years ago


Loved this subject and will keep doing pharmacology units. However, I think that is because I find t...

7 years ago


Great bloody subject because of the infamous Charles. Just watch out for a few ambiguous test questi...

7 years ago


An overall interesting subject that looks at the development, changes, and blemishes of biomedicine...

7 years ago


A truly fascinating subject that delves deep into the history of human evolution and how our genes p...

7 years ago


A very interesting subject that covers a wide range of topics from ethics to epistemology. I persona...

7 years ago


Perhaps the best anatomy selective. The demonstrators are extremely friendly, willing to help and ha...

7 years ago


This subject does cover a lot of drug names and is somewhat content heavy; however it is very inter...

7 years ago


The lectures were really interesting and worth going to, even though none of the content is tested....

7 years ago


a big time commitment but absolutely worth it! got to see a lot of different native vegetation in me...

7 years ago


Definitely my favorite subject so far in my course. The head lecturer is extremely helpful and frien...

7 years ago

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