- Uni. of Melbourne
- Subjects
- Science
- 2,682 UniMelb Science textbooks
- 237 UniMelb Science tutors
- 3,573 UniMelb Science ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Science subjects at Uni. of Melbourne...
How well tutors explain stuff differs a lot so try to get yourself into a good tutor’s class. How th...
6 years ago
The lecturer makes the subject really fun and if you work hard you'll get good marks for the assignm...
6 years ago
Ian is the best. Love this subject- great content too!
6 years ago
Genuinely a really good subject. Easy to do well in if you focus on what they ask you to learn. Heat...
6 years ago
Frustrating tests. Little to no practice questions, and the ones that do come out only are released...
6 years ago
Very content heavy, slides and lectures are all over the place
6 years ago
Enjoyed the pracs!
6 years ago
Very content heavy
6 years ago
Very fun subject to take
6 years ago
Was pretty easy, a lot of giveaway marks on the exam. You just needed to work through the lectures a...
6 years ago
I absolutely loved learning Japanese!! However, I suspect this subject would be quite difficult for...
7 years ago
This is by far the easiest subject I have done, though, there is a bit of reading for this subject....
7 years ago
Very poorly coordinated, pretty much.
7 years ago
Very fun and useful subject for your days ahead on CompSci. Fine selection of Guest Lecturers, defin...
7 years ago
More of a necessity than an enjoyment. If you suck at math, consultation hours and lunchtime tutors...
7 years ago
I unexpectedly enjoyed this subject! Heard it was an easy subject to score H1 but thought it would b...
7 years ago
A perfect beginner subject for anyone's interested in computing or programming in general.
7 years ago
great teachers invested in your learning!
7 years ago
A well-taught subject. The subject covers the areas of integration, hyperbolic trigonometry, complex...
7 years ago
If you keep up with the content this subject is super enjoyable and the pracs are extremely useful a...
7 years ago
Useful and helpful for practising clinicians.
7 years ago
(Did this in summer semester)
Was a very well coordinated, and mostly well taught subject. It is di...
7 years ago
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