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Honestly the content was pretty interesting but I was really reliant on external sources like YouTub...

4 years ago


I found this much more interesting than FAH1, although genetics was super long and hard to wrap my h...

4 years ago


If you do this subject when Paul is the lecturer/coordinator, be prepared to be thrown in to the dee...

4 years ago


If you think this is a wam booster, you're wrong. My goodness, this subject is chaotic, to say the l...

4 years ago


I would recommend this as a breadth for non-science students. As a science elective it was just ok....

4 years ago


Possibly the worst subject I have done in my degree. I did not find the teaching to standard compare...

4 years ago


Can not recommend this subject enough. All lecturers are very passionate in what they are teaching a...

4 years ago


I took this as an elective in Sem2 of 2020. We have a really good subject coordinator, Charles who i...

4 years ago


Pretty good first year psychology subject. I really struggled to understand the behavioural neurosci...

4 years ago


Enjoyable class! Great content that was engaging and relevant to everyone! Classes (Tutes) were supe...

4 years ago


Great intro to psychology subjects! Assessments weren't too hard (if payed attention to lectures, tu...

4 years ago


If you get the lecturer Arun Ram for this subject, withdraw IMMEDIATELY. He ran the subject entirely...

4 years ago


This subject was only OK. This subject consisted of 6 different topics in the scope of evolution to...

4 years ago


Topics 4-6 was basically the same stuff and the exam was WAY TOO LONG (81 MCQ + short answer questio...

4 years ago


The content was really interesting, it's a shame that its kind of poorly coordinated. We never got i...

4 years ago


Very interesting content, interesting assignments, engaging lectures. Marking was weird though, I do...

4 years ago


3.75/5 Interesting content but definitely the subject that caused me the most breakdowns this year...

4 years ago


This subject given online could have been a disaster given that it is a practical based subject, but...

4 years ago


Highly enjoyable subject. Gets you properly familiar with Python and covers basic programming princi...

4 years ago


Easily my favourite subject this semester - if you're considering taking it, then you should!! Laris...

4 years ago


I'm a biomed student who had to do this as part of my core subjects, so if you actually enjoy physic...

4 years ago


Pretty great subject!! Personally found some of Alex's fungi lectures to be quite dry but enjoyed th...

4 years ago


This is a human geography subject that is essentially a semester long group research project, with r...

4 years ago


Chris is fantastic

4 years ago

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