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My favourite course. Real-life examples always integrated so I learned a lot on how to actually impl...

7 years ago


Pretty interesting content and a good introduction to actuarial studies. Worth doing if you want to...

7 years ago


Took this subject as my breadth in my first year. Perhaps my mind can't really work on Business subj...

7 years ago


Outdated tutorials and assignments that haven't changed from year to year (assignment focuses on a b...

7 years ago


Not great, especially if you have an overly serious teacher or is assigned academically inept team m...

7 years ago


Easy to get high grade

7 years ago


Quite practical and useful. The computation part of the subject make it difficult to cope with.

7 years ago


Basic accounting knowledge are all covered in the lectures. BTW, the final exam is more hard than yo...

7 years ago


An easy subject. Interesting to learn about the different aspects of job hunting and how companies r...

7 years ago


Try to do the homework each week. The first weeks subjects are not hard but at the end it gets a bit...

7 years ago


Great course to take especially if you like math. Solve the problems by your own and you will score...

7 years ago


The lecturer, David Eccles is a great one! He helps explain the subject in a simple manner that is e...

7 years ago


The lecturer is very good. There is a lot of materials crammed into this subject so the lectures wer...

7 years ago


Note that there was a new lecturer for 2017, who is apparently NOT taking it again next year, so I'm...

7 years ago


If you are interested in game theory then you will enjoy this subject. Loads of topics discussing bo...

7 years ago


This subject is not difficult as long as you can grasp the important concepts, especially for “confi...

7 years ago


I haven’t done any Accounting subjects or courses in the past, but I found this subject quite manage...

7 years ago


As a student with science background, I don't think the content of this subject is too difficult to...

7 years ago


It used to be a good subject. However, the new coordinator is a disaster. Don't expect to learn a lo...

7 years ago


Coming from the standard actuarial pathway, this felt like my easiest subject for the semester, and...

7 years ago


First of all, QUIZES ARE EASY and are worth 50% of total grade. I got 42% out of 50 but you should b...

7 years ago


Overall, an interesting subject but too much models

7 years ago


Be sure to understand the graphs and concepts behind it as well.

7 years ago


Subject should be okay, must read lecture notes and tutorial though

7 years ago

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