- Subjects
- Science
- 554 UNE Science textbooks
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- 143 UNE Science ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Science subjects at UNE...
Relatively manageable workload, provided you're organised. 40 pages of reading per topic, usually 1...
8 years ago
It is a lot of information delivered in a short period of time. Practical learning is the easiest an...
9 years ago
Interesting course though not what I thought psychology would be like
9 years ago
Another informative class that introduces a range of concepts from statistics to mental illnesses th...
9 years ago
really informative class to take that teaches a range of basic concepts to students
9 years ago
This unit was a great introduction to Physiology with interesting pracs and lectures. Provides an ex...
9 years ago
Great introduction to Chemistry. I was able to achieve well without having any prior study of Chemis...
9 years ago
Great unit. The lecturers made it interesting and it was a great practical introduction to science r...
9 years ago
The prac's are mostly fun, though at the beginning it's mostly about learning skills. The theory can...
9 years ago
If you completed HSC biology or the Queensland equivalent, then this class will be boring theory wis...
9 years ago
If you have done HSC maths, then this class will be very boring, as it is simply a reiteration of mo...
9 years ago
If you like geography, climate and soil; then you'll really enjoy this class. Otherwise it can be ex...
9 years ago
The course needs to be more clear in relating the maths learnt to the applications within our discip...
9 years ago
The lecture notes are difficult to understand a lot of the time, you will need to work hard if math...
9 years ago
Relatively boring. Basically covers what was covered in advanced maths course for the HSC.
10 years ago
Will be going to Bhutan for this unit. Cant wait! A good unit to do project reports and use as a uni...
10 years ago
Did this unit first year and have not used the knowledge since. The book was not very helpful for th...
10 years ago
Useless knowledge but a core unit for my degree. Doing it later in my degree instead of first year I...
10 years ago
Interesting subject, topical and thought-provoking topics, great teachers and 4-day field trip to le...
10 years ago
Gives a good taste of the aspects of psychology
10 years ago
I hate to say it, but this subject is a good introduction to the dreaded world of statistics. The te...
10 years ago
A great introduction to scientific theory and the evolution of psychology. The diverse area covered...
10 years ago
I really enjoyed a lot of this class, it was a great start to my Psych degree. As long as you go to...
11 years ago
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