OpenIntro Statistics

David Diez, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Christopher Barr

For sale by Kira for $20

STAT100 Topic Summary

CH1: Introduction to Data CH2: Probability CH3: Distributions of Random Variables CH4: Foundation...

11 pages, 2388 words


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This subject is about following procedures, they don't really focus on why. Find a nice short statistics explainer video on youtube and it will make a lot more sense. Do the textbook readings and workshops ahead of time, then everything else is pretty optional. I did workshops in my own time (didn't watch videos) and ignored lectures (they kind of just read the textbook). If you learn your stuff well enough to ace the weekly quizzes you'll do well, it's not tricky like that. (weekly quizzes close, but you can find "revision quizzes" that are similar)

Anonymous, Trimester 2, 2021

its stats. . . Rcomander sucks. . . however the tutorials do explain very clearly how to use it and you literally get told step by step instructions on how to use it, which is much better than similar units i have studied at other universities. You need to keep up with this subject and there are weekly quizes that count to your % of final marks but if your organised and study well you can easily pass this unit (even if you hate stats like myself)

Anonymous, Trimester 2, 2018

While this was a good overall introduction to statistics some of the assessments were quite unclear about the goals. The marking criteria seemed somewhat vague and made learning difficult. That said, the teaching staff were very responsive and supplementing with Khan Academy got me through. A useful unit for understanding what statistics can, and more importantly cannot, say.

Anonymous, Trimester 3, 2017

This subject was pretty easy, however the lecturers aren't great.

Anonymous, Trimester 2, 2017

Great unit. The lecturers made it interesting and it was a great practical introduction to science research. Assignments were relevant and interesting.

Anonymous, Trimester 2, 2015

Useless knowledge but a core unit for my degree. Doing it later in my degree instead of first year I had a better understanding of it

Anonymous, Trimester 3, 2013