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MLL324 Deakin Uni.

If you're looking to work in government or on any tribunals this subject is worth paying attention t...

8 years ago

LAW120 Murdoch Uni.

Keep your 'Clear and Precise' textbook for the rest of your degree, as well as your notes - the skil...

8 years ago

LAWS5012 Macquarie

Fantastic unit. Anyone looking into taking this unit in session 3 - do it! The content was extremely...

8 years ago

LAW314 Macquarie

There is a lot of content to get through. I had 3 or 4 lectures covering different areas of constitu...

8 years ago

200010 WSU

i thoroughly enjoyed this subject but i do know it had a high failure rate..for me i was in my eleme...

8 years ago

SSC200 Macquarie

lecturer was great... tutor was terrible

8 years ago

LAW203 Macquarie

I did not enjoy this subject all too much but that may be attributed to my style of learning. This s...

8 years ago

LAW203 Macquarie

Torts is a very engaging subject so long as you keep up to speed with the lecture and reading materi...

8 years ago

Law 214 Macquarie

You'll learn a lot about what the the law is and why it is the way it is as opppsed to its contents....

8 years ago

LWA210 Charles Darwin Uni.

Summer Semester Intensive Unit on Privacy Laws and Freedom of Information. Totally Brilliant. Throug...

8 years ago

IRHR3000 The Uni. of Newcastle

Make sure you choose your groups wisely as this course is mostly group work. Roz the lecturer is not...

8 years ago

LAW 104 Macquarie

This unit is a lot more systematic and straightforward then other law subjects I did in the semester...

8 years ago

LAWS2050 Macquarie

One of the best subjects! Lecturer/tutor is so passionate and tutorials are directly related to the...

8 years ago

MLL217 Deakin Uni.

Strongly believe that the exam was marked too harshly and that the assignment was marked too lenient...

8 years ago

MLL214 Deakin Uni.

Expected this to be one of my favourite units but it actually turned out to be quite the opposite. L...

8 years ago

MLL215 Deakin Uni.

Thoroughly enjoyable subject. This was the first unit I studied online and although I was quite stre...

8 years ago

Laws1061 UNSW

An important foundational law class. It is more important to hone in skills in this class rather tha...

8 years ago

CBMS123 Macquarie

I didn't think this subject was all bad - run entirely externally, assessments were almost too easy...

8 years ago


An slog to get through, so much content, if you fall behind that's it for you

8 years ago


Difficult, but very interesting. It's easy to get stuck in the techincal, but remember to view every...

8 years ago

200011 WSU

By all means attend classes and take note of what the teacher says via the summaries of topics. Ther...

8 years ago

200007 WSU

No a bad subject. Not an "easy" subject per se but not the most difficult. You need to know how to w...

8 years ago


While the course content is interesting, the bulk of material is from weeks 1-6. Make sure you pay g...

8 years ago


This is a an amazing course. There is such a diverse range of lecturers (Desmond Manderson is incred...

8 years ago

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