2,784 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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LAW115 Macquarie

Very chill unit with lots of support. Chance for you law students to quit being pretentious/thirsty...

7 years ago

LAWS601 Macquarie

Interesting and well organized content, but the unit co-ordinator is reluctant to engage with studen...

7 years ago

LAW459 Macquarie

As a politics major, studying a combined Arts/Law degree; some of the topics interested me such as w...

7 years ago

LAW316 Macquarie

Looking back on past reviews, this subject was favourably rated in part due to Shayne being the cove...

7 years ago

LAWS2011 Uni. of Sydney

Fed Con is an interesting course that is sometimes taught poorly (with notable exception). It can fe...

7 years ago

MLL111 Deakin Uni.

Fantastic lecturer, however painful subject. Content is not terribly hard to understand when one has...

7 years ago

MLL324 Deakin Uni.

Very hard subject conceptually, but very interesting nonetheless. The closed book exam is rather str...

7 years ago

7024 Uni. of Canberra

Teacher can't communicate

7 years ago

7022 Uni. of Canberra

Rude and arrogant teacher

7 years ago

6602 Uni. of Canberra

Susan Priest is lovely

7 years ago


As a transfer student I would have to say this is the most badly organised course I have ever done....

7 years ago

LLAW1212 Flinders

This topic is challenging but extremely enjoyable.

7 years ago

LLAW1211 Flinders

I have only just finished this topic but found it extremely helpful. I recommend engaging in this to...

7 years ago

CRIM1102 Flinders

I loved this subject. It was extremely engaging and gave me a lot of information.

7 years ago

CRIM1101 Flinders

This subject is a great introduction to criminology. It's also a great subject if you're a law stude...

7 years ago

LAWS1015 Uni. of Sydney

Hard, but interesting. Have fun with Professor Nottage's 'comparative asides'.

7 years ago

LAWS1013 Uni. of Sydney

A basic short course which teaches necessary research knowledge, but don't expect it to be fun or ex...

7 years ago

GOVT2119 Uni. of Sydney

Yea, too much in too little time. The subject is not to hard but it's just a mind-fuck trying to fig...

7 years ago


May as well title it "White people are evil" Students are made to feel uncomfortable. Attacked for...

7 years ago


Very hard Content and way too much reading. The amount of reading defeats the purpose - you just for...

7 years ago


Subject succinct introduces the various stems of private law. However, brevity that it deals with t...

7 years ago


Great subject which adequately includes all essential elements of Australia's public law system. Muc...

7 years ago


Excellent subject and great introduction to the criminal law. Provides context to the potentially bo...

7 years ago

MLL218 Deakin Uni.

Lecturer speaks really slowly, and her style makes an otherwise interesting subject excruciatingly d...

7 years ago

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