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76005 UTS

Interesting subject and much needed

4 years ago

75423 UTS

Great subject. Great lecturers. You will learn a lot.

4 years ago


good foundational course for property and contracts, though textbook for the contracts part felt lik...

4 years ago


The content is quite heavily centred around legal history and Aboriginal law, with quite slight focu...

4 years ago

LAW4225 Monash Uni.

great great subject and I CAN HELP YOU PLEASE REACH ME VIA martinessayservices(at)g-mail (dot com

4 years ago

Laws1061 UNSW

Interesting course content, well structured and much more centred around problem questions and apply...

4 years ago

LAWS1000 Notre Dame

Great class to get you started in writing legal papers for Law School but also to help you do other...

4 years ago

MLL110 Deakin Uni.

Loved this unit, however it would have benefited from some practical skills and writing development...

4 years ago

MLL111 Deakin Uni.

MLL111 ambitiously attempts to span every aspect of the life-cycle of a commercial contract. Well-p...

4 years ago

LAWS2018 The Uni. of Western Australia

One of the best units I've done so far. The lectures were super interesting, the tutorials were amaz...

4 years ago


This was one of the most interesting units I have taken so far. Dispute resolution, other than throu...

5 years ago

LAWS806 Macquarie

Did this unit in session 3 and it was a lot of worked condensed, but Neil is an awesome lecturer. Su...

5 years ago

LAWS2014 Uni. of Sydney

fairly awful (worst subject in the law faculty imo) but if I can pass the final exam then so can you

5 years ago

ECON1911D Uni. of Qld

This was a very nice lec. understood each and every bit of it. I can perfectly tutor current student...

5 years ago


Great lecturer and coverage of topics!

5 years ago

LAWS2017 Uni. of Sydney

I definitely found it helpful that they actually had tutorials in this subject, and the tutor that I...

5 years ago

LAWS2015 Uni. of Sydney

Very well taught and genuinely interesting- by far best unit this semester.

5 years ago


There is sooo much content for 1 semester of a unit, however if you find the right area, could inter...

5 years ago


Very bland content, and the assignment was too broad.

5 years ago


I enjoyed this unit, especially having a great tut teacher. The key component is statutory interpret...

5 years ago


Absolutely loathed this unit, however I know that is a requirement to complete a law degree. Just di...

5 years ago


Really interesting subject, however quite intense if you can't handle gory details of crime.

5 years ago

LAWS104 Macquarie

I really enjoyed contracts. Never fall behind on lectures it is extremely hard to catch up. I did re...

5 years ago

75424 UTS

Off-campus with highley-piggley posting of resources in different files and locations PLUS corrobora...

5 years ago

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