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2,740 Engineering subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:
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Some content was pretty interesting, and lecturers were very helpful. However, this subject's downfa...
5 years ago
Lecturer for sem 1 was horrible, skips over stuff and could barely use the doc cam right when doing...
5 years ago
This subject assessments are mainly about homework, they provide all the materials online, it is qui...
5 years ago
The subject was very content heavy and not structured well, the questions in the tute and lectures b...
5 years ago
Lectures are taught well and the tutorials helped reinforce your understanding of the concepts. The...
5 years ago
The unit by itself was fun to learn and easy to follow. Make sure to attend the workshop coz its not...
5 years ago
Poorly made subject. Students bad at maths will do even worse and students who are good will do even...
5 years ago
This course is hyped up to be much harder than it is - it takes a few weeks at first, but put in the...
5 years ago
The structures part of this course is not too hard, once you have practiced it a bit. The materials...
5 years ago
Good subject, just make sure to do the tutorial sheets, as they really can pile up. The contact clas...
5 years ago
The first half of this unit is pretty awesome, heavy coding content, but the second half gets quite...
5 years ago
Well organized, a little bit heavy on the topics at the beginning of the course, but gets relatively...
5 years ago
Lectures can be useful, but only if you pay attention. Definitely recommending going to U:PASS lesso...
5 years ago
Taught well, but small mistakes can lead to your whole answer being incorrect. Practice is important...
5 years ago
Lectures were entertaining and informative.
5 years ago
Practice makes perfect. Recommend the U:PASS sessions.
5 years ago
VBA section can be difficult.
5 years ago
A practical subject with good teachers.
5 years ago
This can be a challenging subject, but once you get the concepts down, it's much more manageable.
5 years ago
Easily smashable
5 years ago
An intermediate difficulty mathematics unit. If you have come from the advanced streams (MATH132/MAT...
5 years ago
I loved it so much
5 years ago
Best math subject I've done so far. Very good for engineering students as it only teaching you what...
5 years ago
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