7,520 Business subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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ECON1003 The Uni. of Newcastle

The lecturer was very knowledgeable but not a great teacher at all. Questions practice in class are...

6 years ago

MKTG1001 Uni. of Sydney

Content is foundational as it should be, but still useful. Teaching team cares about their students....

6 years ago

CHIN2750 Uni. of Qld


6 years ago


Very interesting content but the teacher marks really really tough. She gives feedback like 'great a...

6 years ago


This lecture is really easy if you have good understanding about valuations. On the other hand exams...

6 years ago


This lecture is really very important in order to understand portfolio structures. In order to be su...

6 years ago


This lecture is essential for people to get understanding about financial instruments. Wallace F. is...

6 years ago

BLAW10001 Uni. of Melbourne

good subject to take to boost WAM

6 years ago


Lecturer simply reads off the slide, which themselves just have text plucked from the book. No added...

6 years ago

ECON10003 Uni. of Melbourne

This is a fairly easy subject depending on the amount of effort you placed into it. Easy to understa...

6 years ago

ISYS100 Macquarie

Great subject!!! So much fun! Basics of HTML, anyone can learn. Quizzes are easy, just the lecture s...

6 years ago

79603 UTS

If you are interested in logistics (international or domestic) this is the subject for you. Highly r...

6 years ago

ACCT3013 Uni. of Sydney

Worst subject ever of the accounting major

6 years ago


Interesting, but has very little relevance to my design degree

6 years ago

ACC1AMD La Trobe

It'd be difficult at first but if you keep track every week then it turns to be very easy

6 years ago

BUS1BAN La Trobe

Stay focus every week

6 years ago

24108 UTS

You don't need to attend the lectures to attain a HD, but make sure you are on top of your notes as...

6 years ago


Strongly recommend anything taught by Simon Burgess

6 years ago


The textbook is essentially a collection and restatement of other's thoughts. It is difficult to fol...

6 years ago


interesting subject but the course miss a structure and the midterm exam is unexpected

6 years ago

Bba102 Macquarie

Quite theoretical, however the case studies make this unit interesting.

6 years ago

ACCG1000 Macquarie

This is one of those subjects where nothing makes sense for the most part of the session, and then y...

6 years ago

MKTG101 Macquarie

I really enjoy marketing as a subject so thought this was a great unit overall. Not a huge fan of th...

6 years ago

STAT150 Macquarie

Generally a good foundation unit for statistics. Keeping up to date with lectures is essential as th...

6 years ago

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