7,519 Business subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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AFIN2070 Macquarie

Kenny and Kenneth took over lecture and practical duties this semester, which I guess is a great thi...

5 years ago

MGT245 Charles Sturt Uni.

Lecturer is terrible and doesn't teach the content very well. Also received marks for assessments wi...

5 years ago

ACC2CRE La Trobe

It's one of the most interesting units I undertook. It seems to be very difficult for most of the st...

5 years ago

ACC2CRE La Trobe

If you don't have to do this subject, don't!! It is the worst! I had no help whatsoever when I asked...

5 years ago

ACCG1000 Macquarie

Loved this unit. Just have to make sure you keep up with lectures and tutorials each week; especiall...

5 years ago

ACCT10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Pretty hard if you don't have any past experience with accounting knowledge. Best to take on the sub...

5 years ago

ECON2300 Uni. of Qld

This is indeed a difficult course. Econometrics involves a new way of thinking and doing things and...

5 years ago

ACCG1001 Macquarie

my major is accounting so this might be a little bias but i absolutely love accounting especially fi...

5 years ago

ACCG2000 Macquarie

it was a hard unit but if you stay on top of everything, it just flows with you. the exam wasn't too...

5 years ago

Bba102 Macquarie

really boring and the convenor was not at all helpful

5 years ago

MKTG309 Macquarie

The content is very relevant and interesting. I really enjoyed learning some of the psychological/be...

5 years ago

EMPL2202 The Uni. of Western Australia

The textbook was awesome! Really well organised and informative and the unit coordinator went in chr...

5 years ago

LAWS1104 The Uni. of Western Australia

Overall a very rewarding unit but as mentioned in other reviews, it requires a lot of time and effor...

5 years ago

ACCT20001 Uni. of Melbourne

relatively straight forward subject if you keep pretty much up to date, have good logical sense and...

5 years ago

200084 WSU

Want to read a textbook that wildly misinterprets psychology research? Then this is the course for y...

5 years ago

MKTG3114 Uni. of Sydney

This subject was a joke. I learnt nothing.

5 years ago

MKTG3118 Uni. of Sydney

Lecturer hardly ever turned up to lectures... Really poor on his behalf. Interesting content and the...

5 years ago

ECOS3011 Uni. of Sydney

Actually one of my favourite subjects. Kadir is a great lecturer and all his classes are well run. C...

5 years ago

ECOS3008 Uni. of Sydney

Difficult....I thought this would be an easy class but the mid sem was definitely very tough with a...

5 years ago


This unit could have been better if not so many theories/concepts had been introduced. Overall, it w...

5 years ago


This unit was a great stepping stone for those who want to know more about Business in general. Lect...

5 years ago

200108 WSU

Overall a great unit. Be sure to nail the content as it will all come up again in more depth later o...

5 years ago

200116 WSU

Be sure to nail the content as it will all come up again and again later on.

5 years ago

ECMT3110 Uni. of Sydney

This course is really well structured, and the lecturer is one of the most generous lecturers in all...

5 years ago

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