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7,558 Business subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:
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Requires a lot of time and dedication to really understand the case studies. I think they marked way...
4 years ago
Had a great tutor which helped. The workload and group assignment are quite large, I would say if yo...
4 years ago
Simple subject if you pay attention every week and keep up with the lectures
4 years ago
Easy to do well if you just simply put in the time. An introductory subject that covers basic econ....
4 years ago
Unit content isn't too bad in general but unfortunately, lectures and tutors' response can be quite...
4 years ago
This was a content-heavy subject, however one that is easy to excel in if enough study of the lectur...
4 years ago
Great subject, lots of content. I found not enough time to answer all questions in the final exam, v...
4 years ago
It is another subject that requires little effort to pass. However if your fundamental are not good...
4 years ago
It is an easy to pass subject and requires little to no effort however if you are interested in Acco...
4 years ago
Worst subject ever....tutor also marked way too harsh. The textbook is the most so annoying to read...
4 years ago
The subject is much easier now. Slides are copied straight from the textbook. The midterm was easy a...
4 years ago
This topic is based on a ton of group work. There are 2 group presentations, 1 group report, 1 weekl...
4 years ago
This topic is fairly easy to pass, as long as you put effort into the final essay. There are weekly...
4 years ago
The Uni. of Western Australia
really a tough unit but logical , nearly lost my HD.... the lecture is not interesting , just do ca...
4 years ago
The Uni. of Western Australia
This unit was relatively better than ECON1101 having the lectures being a lot more engaging. For tho...
4 years ago
The Uni. of Western Australia
Love this unit! The content is very easy to understand especially if you did well in high school Met...
4 years ago
The Uni. of Western Australia
I agree with everyone here who praises Elisa as a lecturer. She is not the best but is definitely wa...
4 years ago
The Uni. of Western Australia
I find this unit really interesting and personally, I feel like there isn't that much theory to unde...
4 years ago
The Uni. of Western Australia
The first thing to do is get a good group as you will depend on your group a lot throughout the seme...
4 years ago
12 long weeks of pure stress. I thoroughly disliked how this subject was run. The content itself is...
4 years ago
Frederico is a great lecturer! Literally, made options much easier to understand compared to CFDM (w...
4 years ago
The subject is very easy and understandable. I have Peter Wang as my tutor and he is amazing. He wil...
4 years ago
Not as hard as people make it out to be. But still require a lot of work and practice. It was intere...
4 years ago
Rob Hyndman is the goat. Robert J. Baratheon Hyndman. A hero.
4 years ago
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