7,519 Business subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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BLAW10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Ehh not really my kind of subject. Wouldn't call it a wam booster either. The lectures are so long a...

3 years ago

ACCT10001 Uni. of Melbourne

Content is not hard and very straightforward (but boring asf). I'm sure Noel had heaps of fun overco...

3 years ago

ECON10003 Uni. of Melbourne

More theory and less interesting compared to intro micro. I spent the most time and effort studying...

3 years ago

ECON10005 Uni. of Melbourne

Sucked at methods but this ended up being the most easy to understand out of the other core commerce...

3 years ago

ECON10004 Uni. of Melbourne

I struggle with maths but this subject was really interesting regardless! As long as you put in the...

3 years ago

MKT10007 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

Good course but the quality if your group will make or break your final result. You can’t do this...

3 years ago

ACC10007 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

Breezy course as long as you follow along each week and do the exercises. Tutor is lovely, very resp...

3 years ago

MGT10001 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

The tutor is great, and the assignments are reasonably straight forward. Though the group assignment...

3 years ago

MKTG2008 Macquarie

Requires a lot of time and dedication to really understand the case studies. I think they marked way...

3 years ago

MKTG2002 Macquarie

Had a great tutor which helped. The workload and group assignment are quite large, I would say if yo...

3 years ago

ACCG101 Macquarie

Simple subject if you pay attention every week and keep up with the lectures

3 years ago


Easy to do well if you just simply put in the time. An introductory subject that covers basic econ....

3 years ago

MKF2521 Monash Uni.

Unit content isn't too bad in general but unfortunately, lectures and tutors' response can be quite...

3 years ago

ECON2410 Uni. of Qld

This was a content-heavy subject, however one that is easy to excel in if enough study of the lectur...

3 years ago

2105AFE Griffith

Great subject, lots of content. I found not enough time to answer all questions in the final exam, v...

3 years ago

ACCG101 Macquarie

It is another subject that requires little effort to pass. However if your fundamental are not good...

3 years ago

ACCG1000 Macquarie

It is an easy to pass subject and requires little to no effort however if you are interested in Acco...

3 years ago

21129 UTS

Worst subject ever....tutor also marked way too harsh. The textbook is the most so annoying to read...

3 years ago

FINC2012 Uni. of Sydney

The subject is much easier now. Slides are copied straight from the textbook. The midterm was easy a...

3 years ago

BUSN1021 Flinders

This topic is based on a ton of group work. There are 2 group presentations, 1 group report, 1 weekl...

3 years ago

BUSN2039 Flinders

This topic is fairly easy to pass, as long as you put effort into the final essay. There are weekly...

3 years ago

ACCT2201 The Uni. of Western Australia

really a tough unit but logical , nearly lost my HD.... the lecture is not interesting , just do ca...

3 years ago

ECON1102 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit was relatively better than ECON1101 having the lectures being a lot more engaging. For tho...

3 years ago

STAT1520 The Uni. of Western Australia

Love this unit! The content is very easy to understand especially if you did well in high school Met...

3 years ago

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