7,533 Business subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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3004IBA Griffith

Great to understand custom & different way to do business in different countries

10 years ago

1001EHR Griffith

So much more to this area of study than trade unions, wish they didn't force on just that

10 years ago

2005IBA Griffith

Overall great understanding of the subject matter in the real world

10 years ago

BFA391 Uni. of Tasmania

BFA391 is really useful unit. It's not really hard and boring like most people say. You just need to...

10 years ago

MGTS1201 Uni. of Qld

Was told is quite an easy subject, but is so incredibly dull and has really varied material. I got a...

10 years ago

ECON1310 Uni. of Qld

Quite an easy subject if you are good at math, great lecturer, but did not enjoy tutorials or PASS s...

10 years ago

AFIN3053 Macquarie

Great lecturer, though tough exams and assessments.

10 years ago

26100 UTS

pointless subject

10 years ago

79017 UTS

Really enjoyed the subject, very fasted paced

10 years ago

22321 UTS

It would be better if this subject was based more on service industry than manufacturing as Australi...

10 years ago

22320 UTS

I didn't like the fact that they changed lecturers and tutors half way through the course. The 2nd l...

10 years ago

26134 UTS

Awesome lecturer, He really knows how to keep everyone entertained and get them involved in the subj...

10 years ago

21129 UTS

I really didn't see the point of this subject, Lectures consist of watching youtube videos and tutes...

10 years ago

24108 UTS

Amazing lecturer, Made it very easy to learn

10 years ago

ACCT90016 Uni. of Melbourne

Great subject with helpful lecturer!

10 years ago

ACCT90014 Uni. of Melbourne

Need to read the lecture slides and textbook on regular basis

10 years ago

BU1007 James Cook

HARD CLASS Went from easy to super hard in a blick of an eye. Has a HIGH fail rate. Found both the...

10 years ago

BU1003 James Cook

Meh class. HATED the lecture spent most of my time trying to understand him then learning. Resulting...

10 years ago

BU1104 James Cook

Easy class and assignment has a lot in same with BU1105 lecture as good so had him as the my tutor...

10 years ago

BU1105 James Cook

Average class.... found it pointless but really easy... SUPER nice lecturer/workshop teacher only ha...

10 years ago

BU1002 James Cook

Good Lecturer ... Hard class Turn up to ALL LECTURE AND TUTORIAL will really help you in passing

10 years ago

LEGL1001 The Uni. of Newcastle

Loved this subject, it suits a different way of thinking but if you get that early on you won't have...

10 years ago

MLC101 Deakin Uni.

This subject is great - its really interesting to learn. Its not only relevant for the rest of the c...

10 years ago

MAE101 Deakin Uni.

Enjoyed Economics. It was taught really well, and Aplia took a Lot of time to do, but certainly help...

10 years ago

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