- Southern Cross Uni.
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Assessments consisted of a research report 1500 words, worth 40%, a critique at 1200 words worth 40%...
4 years ago
For this unit you have to do two essays and a timed quiz. The unit assessor Kham Tran was a particu...
5 years ago
Clarissa is a great teacher, her collaborate sessions are very helpful explaining the requirements o...
5 years ago
Extremely hard marking by unit assessors most of the 3rd year students just scraped by with a P or a...
6 years ago
This was quite a difficult unit as you have to attend a residential school at uni, even if you are a...
6 years ago
easy enough if all assignments are have effort put into them
7 years ago
I undertook this unit believing it would be a struggle,but really enjoyed it. The knowledge you gai...
7 years ago
Great starting unit for Social Welfare Students.
7 years ago
Loved this Unit. Substantially prepares you to work within the field as I do.
7 years ago
Great unit.. however broad so requires focus.. otherwise a fine and engaging introduction to Austral...
9 years ago
Great subject.
10 years ago
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