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- Science
- 310 RMIT Science textbooks
- 48 RMIT Science tutors
- 129 RMIT Science ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Science subjects at RMIT...
I went into this course blind to anything regarding statistics and stressed as hell because I’m usel...
3 years ago
This class was difficult. There’s a lot of information to memorise and I really did not like the ass...
3 years ago
This is a fantastic subject and easily the most enjoyable of 3rd year. James puts exceptional effort...
4 years ago
The course content was interesting but the teaching team really dropped the ball on online study. Le...
4 years ago
The content was really interesting and the tutors will go the extra mile to help you out. I found Al...
4 years ago
Simple and easy
5 years ago
Loved this course. You get to do a real study, analyse the data, and report it. It was a great exper...
5 years ago
Alex was a great lecturer. The content was quite difficult and challenging, but it was super interes...
5 years ago
I would say maybe the most difficult subject I've studied so far, in that there is sooo much informa...
5 years ago
Definitely a difficult course, but still completely possible to get a HD. Russell is an extremely go...
5 years ago
Merv is fantastic, he's very considerate of the student experience and so is super communicative and...
5 years ago
I found that the hardest part of this course was the inorganic aspect. However, the organic was very...
5 years ago
Challenging but worth the effort!
8 years ago
Use the textbook to do some questions at the end of each chapter then you should be fine for the exa...
9 years ago
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